Woulda been an 8/10 if the bike levels didn’t exist

Genuinely what the fuck was that ending, I can’t believe that 🤣

Wawawoowa very nice great success

This game annoyed the shit out of me but it took my mind off stuff so love you Bayo can’t wait for 3 xxx

Wonder what the Queen thought of Crash Bandicoot

I personally enjoyed ice climbing simulator very much. I just wish the puzzles were a bit harder.

That super boss can catch these hands smh

Great game, an umbrella propelled my car into the air.

I wish I played the EU version so I didn’t have to do that terrible minigame

Friendship ended with Brüz. Now Ratbag is my best friend.

I literally bought a PS3 again to play this.

Poor port aside, what a great fucking time this game is. Narratively, it’s brilliant. Nobody makes a party like prime BioWare. Hopefully the next one is even half as good as this.

No ten until Walter White is added.

The most stressful platinum of my life.