As far as Yu-Gi-Oh games go this is a huge improvement over other ones I’ve played. The tutorial could probably be a little more in depth and the grind for packs can be very time consuming too, but that’s expected of a F2P game. As far as the actual gameplay it’s very well optimised and doesn’t feel laggy like the other ones I’ve played. It’s very fun.

Had a lot of fun playing this. It took a little while to get going but it was fun playing as Bruce a lot more as well as Batman. A lot of the enemies were done very well and I liked the fresh take on Joker’s origin being tied to your decisions.

Uncharted was a very frustrating game for me with moments of brilliance littered through my experience. Nathan Drake is absolutely fantastic and carried a lot of the narrative. I never really cared for a lot of the other characters though, except maybe Elena. For the most part I would say the voice acting is great too. The gameplay hasn’t aged well at all, the combat feels very floaty and the gameplay loop of cutscene; shoot 20 enemies; more cutscenes got old fast. The less said about the last boss, the better. All that said, I think it’s a decent entry for Uncharted and I’m sure I’ll enjoy Among Thieves a lot more.

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A man chooses. A slave obeys.

Best WWE game since Smackdown vs Raw era.


Can’t believe I thought this was a mindless shooter, great game.

The game started off very strong. I really enjoyed the combat, especially combining abilities in many different ways. I really liked the art style too. The story gets extremely messy just after the halfway point and I found myself tuning out sadly. It’s okay.

Definitely my favourite TellTale story. I love the world and characters. The game is paced brilliantly and has really shocking twists while having an outstanding, grounded story. It also has a fantastic, ambiguous ending.

Over the moon to finally finish this one, the next-gen patch was fantastic. Night City’s aesthetic is unmatched at times, the game is so fucking beautiful. I was a big fan of the quest design and characters, as well as the performances of the VA’s. Brilliant.

Didn’t quite hit the heights of the original sadly, 9/10 for me.

If I’m honest I don’t feel this has aged fantastically. That said, I do think it’s a good game. Maybe my nostalgia built it up in my head too much.

Whilst the immersive simulator genre isn’t for me personally, Hitman 3 is definitely my favourite of its kind. You can tell the levels are crafted with a lot of care and there’s lots of ways to achieve your objectives which is a little overwhelming for me but that in no way makes it a bad game. I think it’s great.