When someone asks what a metroidvania is, this is the game you point to. It is the example of exploration, pacing, atmosphere, and movement that define this genre. It's story is melancholic in a very soulsborne way that leaves a satisfying feeling when finding any morsel of context to the world you find yourself in.


The character interactions this game is built on were the absolute best part of this game. They are all so clever and charming that it makes you anxious to survive till the next room, just to get a bit more. The core combat was fun, though the high amounts of particle effects can make it hard to discerned what's happening at times. I'd appreciate a bit more build variety in the sequel, but this was fun while it lasted.

While this venture in the LoZ series has many pleasant and fun innovations, it's repetitive shrines, lackluster "dungeons", bosses, and enemies, and fun-disincentivizing durability system leaves a taste of bitter disappointment. I didn't care to put more time into it than I did.

Continuing in from From Softwares previous complex masterpieces that make up the soulsborne genre, Elden Ring is the culmination of everything they've mastered paired with the best open world experience I've ever had. Elden Ring takes the satisfying combat system from the Souls games and adds more diversity to approaches and builds than we've ever had before. FromSoft's formula for incentivizing exploration by combining story and gameplay discoveries is the perfect fit for this massive non-linear format.