campaign’s mostly fun with an interesting story and zombies sweep, but if you joined the military over this game you’re a dumbass

it's what you'd expect, short and depressing. pretty cool, just wish it was integrated into the main game like the bonus songs

i need to come back to this game its so good

eternally criminally underrated even though basically everyone's heard the music before. i promise, the full game is just as good if not better. biased for the vampire hunter dlc bc i playtested that but not for the og

takes all the wrong lessons from the nes era, which is so weird considering the studio's work on mega man 9 and 10. just play the sequel, you aren't missing anything here

classic, glad i finally played all of it properly instead of messing with the maps with a million mods on. didnt expect the story to be so fucking sad lmao but kinda hard not to be with a zombie apocalypse. maps do sometimes feel same-y besides their big set pieces, of which they also tend to sort of repeat similar scenarios, but that's kind of just what the game is.

incredible game, an all-time classic platformer. super formative for me as a person too, it's such a powerful narrative

really cool concept and has high production value for a browser mega man fangame but man it gets so boring

such a good little fangame!! also anthro sheep man :3

the hack is fine, the game is better than people give it credit for but you need to really huff the rockman copium to get as much out of it as i do

there's a pizza in your tower with all this information

fun stuff, honestly. not the best designed mega man game but it's way better than mighty no. 9, which it essentially remade

shame they never made more, this was really high quality