if you want to know what a manic episode feels like play this game for a half hour. let it be a teachable moment

10/10 flatwoods monster sighting in this one. she lifts up her dress and fires rockets at you from underneath

ngl from what i played i wouldve rather seen this get a tran than moon. rly great pacing. great vibe

possession (1981) for lolicons and i mean that in the absolute most hateful way possible

even tho id played it before ages ago i still had quite the ride playing it. my game crashed a few time and im still not sure if that was an issue with wine or if it was built in, and i think that's very endemic of the kind of mechanical strength in games eversion taps into.

badly wish i had the patience to see the ending of this game through myself because while its very story-lite the gimmick (non-pejorative) it pulls at one of its endings is frankly fucking bonkers esp for 2008

i dont feel good about saying much on this game bc so few people have played it and i had the benefit of going in nearly 100% blind, and while there are things about it that are incredible that i think no other game has done (narratively and mechanically), and while the writing at its best is incredibly touching and whip-smart, its is a fucking mess and nearly completely undermines itself by the time its finished.

felt like a fucking genius when i guessed first try that i had to increase the last digit of the password by 1 but let me tell you the last thing "click through everything in order until you find the thing that progresses the story and then rinse and repeat" adventure game design needed was having to input up to three different numerical strings between each attempt. taking the dyslexia L once again

good game. idk how i never played it up til this point but its as good as ppl say

linux is the primary partition on my desktop computer are you intimidated yet

every time i play this game im like "aight ive been too much of a hater this is pretty good actually" and then i get to the first mine cart stage. and then i stop playing.

pacing was kind of a mess but it also reminded me im still capable of holding love in my heart so all in all good game. just like chapter 1 my favorite parts were the parts where ur just in a small town having a nice time. lots of good quiet sadness baked into a space that feels truly lived in.

good stuff. pretty on the nose but i don't think that's a bad thing, especially for something from 2013. was pretty surprised part of the game revolves around modifying game files. obviously not the first nor the last to do so but that always puts a smile on my face.

good game. wish it was a bit scarier but i felt like the puzzles did a good job of being pretty easy to piece together without senseless wandering. the use of stock photos wound up being particularly effective for what scares it did have.

this is the new gold standard for this kind of experience in my book. does pretty much everything i value in art and then some. confrontational, abrasive, and empathetic in all the right ways and in all the right rhythms. im gonna be thinking about this game for a long time.