14 reviews liked by bcrath

After trying to chip away at this game for years, I finally gave up trying to beat it legitimately and may have slightly abused the 3DS virtual console save state feature to complete it. I have to say that in its vanilla state I think this game is absolutely awful. Just a horrible experience all around. Every room has some unfair enemy that's impossible to predict or some projectile that comes flying in from off screen to ruin your day, even more so than the NES Megaman games. Some people may enjoy that but it's really not my thing. However, with the 3DS save state feature I actually quite enjoyed the game. It became an experience somewhat similar to Celeste, where sometimes the challenges you face can seem absurdly difficult, but the game is very generous with checkpoints and gives you many opportunities to improve. On its own this game offers you no time to improve. Did you die three times? Well have fun completely restarting the entire game and going through every single infuriating level again. With save states you can master every room at your own pace and feel good about yourself if you manage to complete a level perfectly. It also stops the game from being artificially inflated to several hours long when it really should only be a one to two hour game based on the content it contains. Essentially had I not played this on Virtual Console, I probably would have rated Megaman 2 significantly lower than I have, but I actually quite enjoyed it the way I chose to play it.

Also this game’s soundtrack is awesome.

It took me restarting this game 3 times to finally finish it. First I lost my save file on the Wii Version, then I lost my gamecube memory card.
But finally I finished it. And I loved it >w<

I could say why, but honestly, Midna carries the entire game and I don't need to elaborate on that.

This is a fairly mediocre version of Tetris. You've got a handful of game modes plus online play and that's kind of it. I had to guess what most of the game modes were though, since the game doesn't actually include a description of any of them. The music is pretty bland, and the visuals consist of mostly stock art that looks like the stuff you'd see on an apple tv in standby mode. An unfortunate side affect of this being exclusive to the Xbox 360 is that you need to play it with the 360 d-pad, which is way to sluggish and clunky to work well in the later levels of marathon mode. Definitely not my go-to Tetris game.

Unfortunately I never quite made it through my original playthrough of this game, and my GameBoy Cart battery has since died, meaning my save is gone forever. I still plan on beating the remake one day, but for now I'll log my thoughts on the original from what I played.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is beyond incredible.
It contains a world so full of life and personality, and somehow it manages to squeeze it all into a teeny GameBoy screen. The graphics, music and story have aged wonderfully, and will instantly charm you in a matter of seconds. It's honestly very easy to forget your playing on such a terrible screen half the time. Not only does this game have arguably one of the best stories on the entire GameBoy library, but also the Legend of Zelda series as a whole. It makes the cast's of games such as Botw look extremely bland in comparison. My only real issue with the game is that there are a few too many puzzles that you could never logically solve without a guide, but that is also true for the majority of older Zelda games. In my opinion this is without question the best 2D Zelda, and an absolute must play GameBoy title.

I don't really get it, it discourages me from going fast, but encourages me to go stupid slowly. And even when going slowly, the level design is sometimes just evil.

I don't get Sonic :(

Like Dying Light was the most 7/10 game I've ever played, this game was the most 6/10 game I've ever played.
Everything about this game is good enough, but not really amazing.

Gameplay has great potential and ideas, but is really repetitive and spammy (also there is no option to disable controller vibrations, my hands still feel numb).
It achieves this feeling of being an overpowered being well, but not much more.

Story starts off interesting and builds up more and more, until the ending gives you the dumbest plottwist and pulls the rest of the story down in quality.

Visuals are fine. Although face animations are worse than some ps2 games, but it's really not a deal breaker or anything.

Overall the game is worth playing, if you think it's something you like, but far from a must-play.

(Note: I played the game emulated and if you tried to emulate this game before, you'll know that I'm a maniac for having completed it in this state. It was just barely playable, with it dropping down to 15 FPS being completely normal and happening very frequently. It was only just playable, because the game's speed wasn't tied to the framerate, which means it won't slow down with the framerate.)

It's inFAMOUS, but again
It improves on some stuff, more variety in abilities, quicker movement around the map and choices being a bit more impactful for example
But it also keeps some flaws like the really poor optimization. I played the last game emulated and I mostly blamed the emulation for the poor performance, but this time I played it on the real hardware and it was a just barely better experience.

Overall inFAMOUS 2 is the sequel to one of the games of all time, but not thaat special.

This game kinda feels special in a way and not just because it finally achieves a stable framerate, unlike the other two games xd

Second Son does many things wrong, one of them being fucking over the story of the previous game completely. And while this does suck, it still makes its own interesting story and to be honest, the story of the previous two games weren't even that good to begin with, I think the first one's sucked even. But- the ending of inFAMOUS 2 was really cool and that being ruined is a bummer, I'll agree on that.

The story itself is a very mixed bag. On the one hand we have mostly likable characters and fun dialogue and on the other a villain who's motivation for doing all this baddie stuff not making any sense.

Then we have the karma system. It's still barebones and lame, barely affecting the story or how the characters interact. Additionally, I think that the evil route in this game doesn't make sense and doesn't fit most of the dialogue in this game, while in the good route everything fits well together. So I say that the good route is a pretty good story, the bad route is a pretty bad story.

The best part of this game I'd say is definitely the gameplay. Going around a big but not too big map and feeling overpowered while tagging some walls inbetween is more fun than I'd thought it would be. Overall, I think it's an improvement to the previous game. You traverse the map quicker and the abilities feel more satisfying and varied. The powers themselves are pretty dumb and don't fit with the previous theme of inFAMOUS, being that a conduit has some real world element as a power and not fucking video.


Anyway, the game is pretty fun and quick to complete, even got the Platinum trophy for this one, because my gf wanted me to. Silly thing .w.