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sillydelanie finished Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

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The combat upgrades were incredible in this game, even after 100 hours it was still fun to play and fights barely ever drag. All quality of life updates were great. The bond bingo was so fun and I think especially kiryus party had such an amazing and fun dynamic. The story is probably one of my least favorite in any yakuza game, the villains are weak and especially Ebina did not make me feel any type of way. I’m very aware of how wacky and absurd Yakuza is but I feel like Ichiband side of the story suffered because it wanted to go into it to hard, like instead of a laugh at fighting a giant squid that eats you I just kinda sighed. Bryce was also a super underwhelming villain and his japanese va did not sell a big scary villain well at all. Kiryus life links were also really disappointing for me I think there was opportunity to bring back some incredible characters (or spend more time with some) that just didn’t happen. Also so frustrating if Kiryus identity gets exposed why does it matter what happens with the daidoji? Ugh. Positives are that Yamai had an incredible story, probably one of my favorite ever in the series, I loved literally everything about his character. All in all I really enjoyed this game and while I have major problems with the story I don’t think it comes anywhere near ruining the experience. Amazing game

3 days ago

sillydelanie earned the Replay '14 badge

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