Only reviewing this because that tree slide part made me ragequit and rethink my life choices several times as a kid

Tried playing this back then and snoozed within the first hour. Is it that good as they say?

If you played this game you've witnessed friendships and family bonds break in front of your eyes

I was the one that added this game on IGDB, as I noticed it had been missing. This series has been so... heartwrenching to me and I'm looking forward to the other conclusions. Sirius was such an interesting character and he became apart of my favorites (Noel is my number one) I can't wait to see the rest! I couldn't be entirely happy because of (spoiler) but it felt like a breath of fresh air. Please play Witch's Heart!

The game felt slow at times, but the story is just so good I can't really say anything negative about it

Super cute but I wish it was longer

This was given to me as a gift for Christmas many many years ago, I came to hate Rover for some dumb reason (I did not like the way he was asking me stuff) and named my village "K*llRover" PLEASE like it was not that serious... it is so funny to think about now. Apart from that, I genuinely had fun playing

This was not my first RE game, but I've been trying to start from the very beginning. What I found difficult in this game was the map and its puzzles, but it's just because I am not used to it; I get lost easily and it's hard to keep track of what you're supposed to do in order (just in case you don't get softlocked). I am glad I got to play a classic, I enjoyed the story and the clunky voice acting just set the perfect ambiance for survival horror. It is not my favorite RE game BY FAR, but I had my ups and downs with it and I'm sure others who can handle its complexity think it's really good...

Do not even get me started on the ink ribbons. I didn't know it was an actual resource when I had already used 4 of them within the first hour (I am a chronic saver), but after I figured it out I just played in chunks of a few hours.

I can only say my head hurts and fck those dogs SERIOUSLY. I'm so done after getting the good ending with both Jill and Chris

Wow. Simply, wow. I never buy games around this price, usually I wait some time until a generous discount comes. But not with Baldur's Gate 3: for the first time, I felt attachment to a game. Nothing could've prepared me for everything I have experienced while playing this game. It is simply fantastic.

Not only is it extremely addictive (I would play 7 hours daily, do not recommend, but I just could not get off), there seem to be endless possibilities in anything you could think of. So much so, than even I (someone who loves exploring and not leaving things in the dark) have missed some key points that I would love to experience in a second run. I do not think anyone can even just play this game "once" it is just THAT good. But I do have to leave it aside if I really want to play other games (really, it is SO addictive). This game brought me back to all these fantasy games I tried playing as a kid, there is nothing negative I can say about BG3 (as you can even find a way to cheese even the harder fights). I would give this game a 100 if I could, it really was GOTY 2023.

Though this game has made me fall in love with the most gorgeous fictional cleric... Shadowheart, I'll never forget you. She had me giggling and kicking my feet, never been this down bad before

Finished this game against my will because it'd been on my steam account for a few years. I just never got to like it. Insufferable cast, boring dialogue... I'd say it had like 1 or 2 interesting moments. Anyways, I AM DONE

I had wanted to play this game since last year and finally got to do it. I may be biased, but I found this game to be interesting lore and mechanic wise even if it meant the difficulty was too much at times.

The only flaw I would point out in this first entry is how you actually need to learn about this game prior to playing: you must have a basic understanding (and even more than that) of the mechanics and also hidden mechanics (Le'garde's invisible life timer, for example) to be able to progress the game without suffering and giving up. Even so, I will still give this game five stars. I like the dev and I've only heard good things about the second entry (everyone says it vastly improved where it went wrong in this one) so I believe this shows how great F&H development is.

I have been frustrated, uncomfortable, and creeped out while playing this game. This, for me, means it did an excellent job at inmersion and ambiance. I have fallen in love with the lore and characters, I even want to replay this with a different protagonist and try to get the other endings (I could only get the endings I had the "requirements" for since I had Le'garde and the little Girl on my team). The concept of character endings is a great addition, my only complaint is that they are behind Hard difficulty, in which you can't save or recruit any additional characters

My party was D'arce (fave), Girl (a character that destroyed me :c), Le'garde and Moonless (good girl). To save Le'garde (because I wanted to), I had to reload a thousand times and it did take up many hours where I was trying a longer path, before giving up and finding out there was a much easier and shorter way to get to him. This did make my first impression (on top of already dying and/or getting all my limbs cut off 10 minutes into the game) a bit negative, I felt stuck and frustrated. Le'garde's 30 minute rule is just absurd. So I must say that for me to actually enjoy playing I had to reach a certain point of stability through guides and research.

Once I reached this point where I knew of all mechanics and ways to farm/find a safe bed, the game felt smoother and I had a greater time. I finally enjoyed playing! So it does play into what I said was one of its flaws, but if you can get past that it's an INCREDIBLE game. I will not mention the flaw that we all know (too much SA) since I have heard this was also improved in the second entry.

To new players, all I can say is do NOT give up and research about the game. It helps 100% and I actually enjoyed learning about everything, I just wished the game was more upfront about it or a little bit more merciful. PLAY F&H 1 AND 2! I will move onto the second entry. I'm going to tick off Mastered for getting more than 1 ending, but I'm missing Endings B and D

Had this before the actual Sims on a pc, but it was not that bad (although noticed that it was very limiting) I had a weird green grown man living with my sim for no reason

So I completed this game (both endings) alongside the Chris free dlc. I want to say I initially had negative thoughts about this game because of how they changed a lot of things, including the first person camera. I can't say that is a choice I like.

To me, this game (at least most of it) felt like an Outlast 2 with a gun! Which is ironic considering Outlast 2 came out a few months later.

It definitely did not fail when it came to horror ambiance and, since it's one of my favorite genres, I was not unhappy about that. The game does make you stressed and forces you to be on high alert... I think that's amazing for a game to accomplish that. Still, I've been a fan of this franchise for many years and so I was attached to the mainline characters, I didn't really feel anything for Ethan so I'm not giving this game 5 stars. Loved the concept of Mia and Zoe as characters, so I think it's just Ethan (sorry man).

It was a great game, though. I like it when Survival Horror games focus more on the horror part. Felt more different than regular RE but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

P.S.: Resident Evil 1 broken shotgun!!!

My first Persona game, I found it to be very time consuming and a bit hard to use. Some social links aren't that great and grinding is a very real thing... but I still liked it. I could not even romance anyone because of how packed my schedule was doing everything and I thought I had enough time for it (did not) so I missed out on "cute" scenes (director saying he did not have any female friends really shows). Anyways it could be better, but I won't be playing P3RE without FEMC

A few years ago, I put well over 50 hours on this game, completed all story quests, and began completing these random and insanely overlevelled special missions. All in all, this game was solid and enjoyable if you quickly understood the mechanics, and it was also pretty great to play online (and with friends). I liked getting new weapons and outfits, but the INSANE difficulty in those quests made me stop trying (could spend like an hour trying to defeat a titan in those and wouldn't do much damage)

I think it was a good game at the time, I have good memories so I give it a 3.5. Music was amazing too!

So I finally got all endings and well. I do regret not playing this before Automata! But damn. THIS IS A MASTERPIECE I loved every single bit of it, all of the characters are loveable and worth remembering. The story, the graphics, the camera angles, THE MUSIC and different mechanics... it's impossible not to love this game even if you aren't into RPG. Even the novel bits were so beautifully written and sad, I just came to love this game way more than I imagined!

Play this game. Even if you played Automata first like I did, you'll even start noticing the similarities both in gameplay and story. PLAY THIS GAME!!!!! I will now let this consume my brain for weeks