I think we've all played this game just for the giggles back then, but it's actually trashy. I love that yandev became a meme though

Bought the physical copy when it came out, lost the password and email from Origin, couldn't play. 2020, free for all, downloaded it; didn't enjoy it that much. Maybe I'll try playing it again once I get a new laptop

Almost to the top with Pearl for me, I was actually trying to finish it a while ago (after my failed attempts as a kid) but due to schedule reasons I had to shelf it. I'll come back!

As a child I expected this to be a mind-blowing experience, but it was mediocre at best

Old interesting game but I dropped it because one of the levels just got incredibly hard (the fight mechanics are a bit strange)

All I remember is being hit with a random mathematics minigame and dropping it. Why

One of the worst adaptations of the sims. I even had the Wii port and it was better than this garbage

I had a thousand characters created for friends and family. The house part was so entertaining I always made sure to have the best one, and would roleplay with friends HELP it was so much fun!!!! The landscapes were so crisp for its time too. I miss you Go Vacation

Sucks that clothes and your character are gender locked. Nintendo I am Not The Same Person I Was 10 Years Ago. Everything else though? I had my entire family and friend group in there

Good game, played with friends and had fun. Not much to say, miss those times!

I'm marking it as completed, but I want to get back into it. For some reason, my game glitched towards an epilogue scene and I uninstalled it; I want to start all over again since I also got a bad end.
I liked how you could choose from a set of pre-made characters and pair them up however you liked (and those choices affect your life), the story was nice and it was like I struggled alongside my mc. Very realistic!

I put this on my favorites because it was the very first Pokémon game I bought. I was obsessed, but couldn't progress through some parts because I was too young, so I shelved it. I remember getting stuck inside a dark cave and resetting, I want to finish it one day! Only thing that sucks is that you realise how insanely slow everything was

I remember the little togepi egg and how that made my day as a kid. I need to complete it

The game was not so bad. I was a bit scared going in since one google search kept showing me super negative reviews and I wasn't looking forward to investing hours in a game that's trash. Fortunately, I didn't think of it as a bad game. It was better than RE5, that's for sure, and seeing more about the main cast and returning characters was nice

My favorite campaign was Ada Wong's, apart from being my favorite character I felt like her campaign peaked in story-telling and the way the game was built. My least favorite was Chris', his characterization in this game just threw me off and I was sick of his ass... the whole campaign felt dragged out

All in all, I don't know how this game gets so much hate since I see it nearly on the same level as RE5... not so bad. The story and cast definitely helped, some parts were unnecessary though and they put too much action in some parts (I wish they had put more puzzle/alternative to fighting parts... felt like too much going on at once)

1 whole star for Ada Wong