This game made me rage so much as a kid because I was not expecting that you had to gather that many plungers with that many mini games. I came to have a visceral reaction to some and all, it is funny to think about now...

Great entry for the series, but the outdated camera angles and controls made the experience horrible. It's funny when you can't even get your character to run or turn around fast enough... in a survival horror game!


May return to do the Hikikomori route, but overall a very cute and heartbreaking game. For now, I'll mark it as completed

I actually liked this game, even when I went in with very low expectations considering everyone was saying horrible things about it... turns out it's way better than I thought! I liked how Ellie's character developped, even if for the worse, because it shows how human she is. The ending wrecked me. I have to say I don't agree with one of the director's choices (look it up) but overall was not as bad as people made it out to be

Some people may say this game was dorky and typical, but it was actually a game I came to fully love... I even completed it 100%! I made so many of my friends play with me watching, I have sweet memories from it. Must have (fully) replayed it at least 10 times, miss you!!! The Quarry wanted to be you so bad but it couldn't....

At the time I was fascinated by this game, and I managed to complete (not by trophies) most areas of the game. I am very satisfied with how I played it and sometimes I wish I could wipe my own memory to play it all over again

Great entry to the series, back then this was one of the scariest survival horror games... to this day, the chasing stresses me out

Unexpected change to the series (was expecting a continuation) but that made it so good, the creepily corrupted religious themes really make you uncomfortable to the end. More and more chasing!! I replayed this in different difficulties

Forever will say this is one of the Horror RPG Maker classics, recommend!!! It is very special in my heart

I originally "downloaded" this game for free as a kid and spent all the time in creative mode, it was fun and I built a lot of houses. Years passed and I just got bored, but that's just me

I loved how this first ep makes you think the game will go in one way... then it does the complete opposite! Solid, but I'd think it even was separate to HC. But still good! My full review is in the third ep

Cute sequel but not much to say, again wish it was longer

I started playing this game a few years ago on a different platform. I finished the first game and then found out this "remaster" was going on and I had some play store gift cards. I decided to buy it so I could play the other two in higher quality (played on my tablet) and wow.... I did miss the pixelated style (thats the only thing I didn't really enjoy) but everything else is astonishing.

Ace Attorney is just that franchise that has it all. Interesting characters, insane plot, original visuals... This game had me ripping my hair out but also laughing a lot, even cried a little towards the end. I love Maya Fey, she became one of my favorite characters EVER and I was about to end my life if she didn't end up being safe and sound!!!!!

One of the things this game nailed was sisterly relationships. The good and bad ones, they were all so good and heartbreaking (I, too, have sisters). I think this game was so iconic (and still is) that I will never forget about it! I will definitely pick up Apollo Justice in the future

Played this after RE1 (I'm trying to play from 1 to 8 but I haven't been playing in order) and damn I just love Jill so much.

I did not look up anything about this game prior so I was actually surprised at how "short" it was! Personally, being slow and getting killed a few times, it took me 7 hours. I would've loved a longer game with more exploration or bonus stories, so that's why I will not give 5 stars. Apart from that, the gameplay was great and Carlos did not feel too out of place, nice addition!

Will continue my RE journey with RE5