May, 2024

November, 2023

September, 2023

February, 2023

October, 2022

August, 2022

May, 2022


132h 20m


the only good modern open world action game 💯💯 sick story and most engaging game design there is. no scripted movement no only climbing the cliff with dumb red inexplicable paint on it 🙄 does not pander to you like that and give you fake choices. the perfect amount of guided progression and freedom. can’t bullshit your way through this game 🫡🫡🫡 hope the new kojima isn’t DS2 tho. want something new instead DS stands on its own 🫡🫡

100% wit platinum trophy


March, 2022

February, 2022


113h 31m


some games are jus made so that u can run around and vibe and kill shit for a hundred hours. top tier turn based combat 👊 it’s so refreshing to die in a video game and be sent back to the title screen again 😩 i’m glad that altus is still interested in making ps2 games in spirit. everyone else should take note 📝 some of the best music ever put in a video game. environmental bgm sounds like it was made in da’at ableton. played on normal which was a perfect amount of difficulty imo. truly truly exhilarating brain pumping adrenaline drunk moments when u finally beat shiva or u manage to beat mother harlot first try underleveled. story is barely there can't even tell u what it was but didn't need to be there at all. its all about the vibes thats all this one needs to be about. i feel like some punches were pulled in some aspects of its design tho. when i got to the final dungeon and saw the time freezing doorways i was like very cool gona have to do puzzle with these 😲👆but nah they’re kinda pointless i don’t even know why they’re there. like completely avoidable and don’t even lead you to anything cool or anything. want more puzzlee. still atlus are the masters of the modern jrpg. japan still understands the value of a silent protag.

100% (except for demon compendium), tru ending


September, 2021


172h 32m


technically 91%. all missions and mission tasks complete with S rank, all side ops done. just didnt wanna get alll the animals rn lol. i love this game yes the lack of ep51 sucks but you would be insane to not see that this truly is the definitive metal gear experience, the forreal ultimate big boss simulator and it fucking rips. story rules


April, 2021


193h 59m


unbelievable one of a kind experience. absolutely perfect game. platinum trophy on first playthrough. will have sense memories tied to this one absolutely
