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Even within Bethesdas weird mishmash of the previous two Fallout games setting. The game never realizes the objective fact that the main conflict between the Brotherhood and the Enclave is completely and utterly pointless, they weren't going to use the FEV virus until Eden secretly gives you the task, they are literally fighting over nothing as the outcome is the same regardless. You cant fight against the path Bethesda wants to put you on, something as cruel as nuking a town or engaging in slavery earns you nothing more than an EXTREMELY brief talkin-to your dad gives you and maybe a scathing hit-piece Three Dog will put out that will make nameless NPCs react somewhat negatively to you. Bethesda should've just made their own post-apocalyptic game, as its clear that's what they wanted to do in the first place. VATS isn't that cool, 1/2 a star more than what I would give it because NV wouldn't exist without this game.

While SH2 is my personal favorite mainly due to the time and point in my life I was at when I first played it. SH3 is in my opinion the absolute peak of the series when it comes to horror, themes, and gameplay.

One time I was speaking to this pathetic loser about the original No More Heroes, he said that he only played the first game, he loved it due to how "badass" he thought the idea of an otaku assassin was, but how disappointing it was that he didn't get the girl in the end. This game was made for people like him, so take that as you will.

This game needs to be studied in how not to end a game, I am not joking when I say that I felt the entire series had been made retroactively worse due to the ending of this one. Its contrived, its insulting, and more than anything its undeserved.
The gameplays also extremely weak this entry as well, the summoning system isn't all that fun and there's often no reason to use other ones once you find those magic three.

Testament clears all im afraid...

PsychoNauts' narrative includes various depictions of mental illness, childhood trauma, and has a comedic tone throughout. Yet somehow it never once feels like its punching down, the focus on healing and accepting these flaws of yourself is something the game maintains throughout the entire experience. It really is inspiring

when are the daughters of liberty dropping