A good to great story being butchered alive by repetitive and awkward gun- and general gameplay. On paper this game is amazing, which, to be fair, is kind of fitting.

“Get away from my wife! No one talk to my wife!” Marriage is gonna be very magical.

Doesn't replace the original, but every change was an improvement, from minor to major. Really good remake

best arcade racer ever made don't @ me

basically an arena fighter with rng and crafting elements

when I was 13-14 I played the demo religiously, my god this game was the best game ever.

the I played it for real and it was ok

the ultimate slop game. if you just want to do and not think for 50+ hours (for completion) this is perfection.

doesn't mean it's good

i love the yakuza series but this is the worst one

I love this game because it makes the gamers angry

This game is my childhood. fuck this game (endearing)