a lot less frustrating than RE1, but just as fun! The Resident Evil series is so damn good when compared to the rest of the PS1 library. What a cool genre/aesthetic combo. :)

the jumping in 2d.. not it.
expecting me to things i haven't done before.. aint it.

i get it, it's good. it's influential. backtracking, item pickups, upgrading gear; platformer.

it's just that i struggle with the feel of PlayStation 1 controls in just about every game of every genre. it was difficult for me to get into the swing of it. :/

i just don't have the patience :/

i liked the later version i played as a kid, but this version of the monster manager game ain't it

i just can't walk around talking to 100 NPCs that say nothing interesting looking for the information i need.

a classic "losing is fun" game

with how many absolute donkey doodoo PS1 games there are, Resident Evil is a breathe of fresh air.

i do enjoy the Collect And Create Until The Next Boss Unlocks New Content aspect of the game, BUT i do not like how i you need 40 copper per item you need for bronze materials when you can only carry maybe 20 copper per mining trip.

no in-game menu showing you what you've learned to craft???? i don't mind pulling up wikis for a game, but only if the wikis are good. unfortunately, valheim's wikis are not good. not that a game's wiki determines its fun. it's just that when a game's required to have a wiki in order to know wtf im doing, it adds to the game's experience.

i just can't get past this early part of the game without feeling like im wasting my time.

i think once i find a character i really like to play i'll be more interested in this game. But for right now, i'm a tekken freak

there's a lot more stuff since the last time i played (street fighter 4). the drive mechanic seems interesting and i'm really bad at executing qcb on my hitbox xd.

i'm new to seriously playing tekken (i owned tekken 3 on ps1 when i was a lad and i played only a little bit of tekken 5) and Tekken 8 is the game that has me hooked.