Everything regarding Resident Evil lore was fascinating for me, as I have been going through the entire series in timeline order. Barry being back is cool, always loved Claire but I feel like they barely did much with her in this game. No development at all, as if they just put her here for “nostalgia” ; Moira isn’t my type of character but I believe she was actually mentioned in Resident Evil 1 so it’s nice to see her. They should’ve done so much more with Alex. She was talked about in some data files at the Spencer Mansion during Lost in Nightmares (Re5) I do love the connectivity. But she was just absent for most of this game. We never really get an explanation for why she wants to do the whole Natalia transfer. Everything just feels like lazy storytelling. The gameplay was not fun for me. Everything felt like busy work. I hated the constant “watch the characters open this door” or in Barry levels “watch the characters climb down this hill” It happens often and it just really breaks the flow of gameplay. The problem I have with this and Revelations 1 as well is just that they could’ve been much better.

Wow, okay. Baker house is really good, the perfect set up for an opening in this game. Sadly I feel the game declines the longer it goes on. Still, I appreciate the experimentation with switching to first-person. The horror atmosphere was executed well. Ethan is nothing special, in fact you never see what he looks like. Jack Baker is definitely the best character. Reflecting on my playthrough though, nothing truly felt memorable to me. I’d say it’s still worth checking out though.

Truly one of the greatest Resident Evil games I’ve ever experienced. It’s not too often I play a game and actually lose sense of time, not wanting to ever put it down. Bless every decision made for this game. The character design, the world design, the beautiful gothic horror atmosphere chef’s kiss

Lucky for me, I have Ol' Reliable! Carbon fiber handle, titanium alloy lens hood and form-fitting silicone grips. Yes, sir, Ol' Reliable is the best camera in the world.

This would’ve been so much more fun if they just gave me and my friend more ammo. You can’t have survival amount of ammo if you design your game to be action focused. Actually I can’t even say they designed this game with that intent because it’s all over the place and doesn’t know what it wants to be. What a wacky game, and I can say for a fact there has not been a single moment in my life where I’ve seen the RE6 logo and haven’t thought that’s a mf giraffe getting a bj.

The game can be very difficult but it is a great feeling when you speed through a bunch of enemies without getting damaged

Just give us more of this from now on instead of your gimmicks! My only real complaint is the lack of a team 2v2 mode. Mario Party online though is a brilliant idea, so much fun!

Am I blinded by nostalgia? Perhaps I could be but I genuinely am having really fun with this game. On release night, here I am looking around my room at 3am in the morning, surrounded by my really close friends. Diamond and Pearl on DS was our first group Pokémon experience and here we are still playing and hanging out all night, hours flying by easily. Don’t think there’s a game that could bring us close together like Pokémon does. In our adult life, sometimes we can have a hard time keeping up with everyone, so I’m very grateful that Pokémon is something we can all do together.

you pick your favorite Pokémon character, get a nice Pokémon song from the anime to play while you match up blocks. It’s tons of fun.

this was always my favorite nes game to play growing up and it still holds up well. It can be difficult in the later half but the first few fights were always so much fun to casually play through and always felt accomplishing

I came here to write a “that wasn’t exciting” type of joke only to find others did the same, I’m immensely disappointed in my unoriginality.

There are many things I adore about this game. Delfino Plaza is a relaxing main hub, I like that it gets brighter the more stars you acquire throughout the game. You can see all the locations from different spots on the map, that was always really neat to me. The music is super memorable and really fits each location. Cutscenes with voice acting really add to the appeal of this game and bowser is really funny in this game. This was my favorite 3D Mario game, that is until I just replayed through it. While all the things I adore about this game remain true, I’ve discovered that I do not enjoy playing this game as much as I used to. Mario is very clunky in this game, I feel like you never really have full control over him. The levels are very hit or miss. Some are tedious, some can be boring. There are still some good levels though. This is not a bad game. It definitely is rough around the edges, but it has a unique feel with the flood gameplay gimmick and coming from an era where Nintendo really experimented with their series and was trying new things, you have to appreciate this games existence in some aspect.

infinite spawning wavy medusa heads on a bridge you have to cross where every tile of the bridge flips over and knocks you off while two statues on each side shoots fire balls across the screen was a little mean

I unironically really enjoy this game
ooo ahh oo ahh best song btw