Reflecting on this story, I come to find that no words can truly paint everything i felt and experienced through these characters, who despite being fiction, felt very human and real. My time reading through this will be remembered forever.

dark souls 2 enjoyers love to act as if they’re superior to everyone else because they enjoy this bad game.

I never wanted it to end. So much creativity. So much to appreciate. These worlds they take you to, they are full of fun and adventure. The main characters really grow on you, and through collaboration you watch these characters grow themselves. Life is a bunch of busy day to day hardships, that sometimes we forget to take the time to fully appreciate each other and the ones we love.

very fun with a group of friends, some of those complex levels hurt my head and get me overwhelmed, the tickets keep coming and we don’t have any paddies on the stove! We need onions! Lettuce! Tomato!! and no one’s even washing the dishes! what a chaotic fun game.

Well it finally happened, I have become daily genshin impact player and yes I am proud. At first, my only reason to log into this game was to play Hu Tao; and so I did. But eventually the gameplay loop of this game has trapped me and now exploring the world accompanied by the relaxing music has become one of my favorite pass times.

Elden Ring, our next fromsoftware souls adventure. Out of all the sorts of games I play, “souls” games are what I’ve always been drawn to most. So naturally a game like Elden Ring would appeal to me, and appeal to me it has! A grand celebration of all the previous titles, echoes of past adventures all stirred into one delicious pot of content. But before I give my praise to the Elden Ring which despite being impressive af, it does bring along a major balancing issue post capital area. There is a decline starting from the mountaintop of giants area. Everything at this late-game point seems to have been doubled up, which created this sense of “artificial” difficulty. Enemies and bosses just have too much health in these endgame areas, while you also don’t do enough damage. And the damage you receive feels a bit much. The overworld dungeons start to feel samey, the bosses in these samey dungeons are repeats of old bosses or just added enemies, or the classic copy paste, two old bosses at the same time! Sure this isn’t really a big issue, but it does need to be said. I do understand that these big open world games need to do a bunch of this copy-paste stuff. I am conflicted with my opinion, because these issues are most certainly present, and they did soil a part of the game for me. But I do not want to ignore how amazing it was to receive a game like this. Universal praise, everyone online collectively playing and discussing, discovering together; it’s a blessing when we get a game such as this, the gaming community as a whole really feels involved. The world, the characters, the cutscenes, the epic boss battle music, the presentation, the awesome weapons, the beautiful armor sets, a great character creator, fun exploration, the voice acting, the dialogue, cryptic sentences accompanying mesmerizing scenery; yep it’s a fromsoftware game and there’s so much praise I want to give it, truly something special.

this game holds what may be the funniest scene in Nintendo history. Mario and Luigi save peach, peach then proceeds to give a kiss only to Luigi, Mario stares in silence for 3 seconds, then just starts hopping and goes “yay!!!!”

very fun co-op with the right person. my sister and I were running around this game and the entire time we would narrate the characters in funny manners as well as going “the dementors! they were flying all over the place” in prison mike’s voice.

the legendary metal gear solid 3! I knew immediately I was going to love this game after I first saved and then the paramedic lady talked to snake about Godzilla for 3 minutes. Recently I have been struggling to enjoy video games, but MGS3 has been a nice reminder that I still do enjoy them; I am just playing the wrong ones! There is something very unique about these metal gear solid games that just feels impossible to lay out in words, ah the great mind of Hideo Kojima!

I actually think this is better than 1-4, mainly because I get to be bellatrix lestrange

creating a bunch of different sack characters was the main highlight of this game for me. well of course the levels were fun, but that feeling of excitement of seeing what new outfits I unlocked does so much for me. and then experimenting with different colors and combinations. a very good co-op game for sure.

Cut the lettuce
Heat the grill
Toast the buns
Cook the patties
Serve the drinks
Melt the cheese
French the fries
Sweep the floors

The ketchup, the mustard the salt and the pepper,
Pour it on right cuz we got no extras
You watch the grill, control the flame guys,
Follow the rules stay productive and wise

Cook those burgers
Turn the patty over
Watch them fries
Better execute sooner
Bring on the ketchup
Don't forget the cheese
Bring on the mustard
Handle it with ease

metal gear solid 4 ending gave me very strong feelings, it amazes me how fictional stories and characters have this ability to make me feel these types of emotions, actual tears

this game brings me immense joy