what kind of nightmarish fever dream are they trying to put me through?

I’ve always associated that “suddenly I see” song with this game

I’d like to think leon still holds onto ada wong’s cute teddy bear keychain in 6

the journey that took me years to beat. mainly because I ended up losing my gameboy sp during a move but alas I have found it so I spent the last two days wrapping this up. Aka training my dratini until it evolved into dragonite. My file was left stuck at the elite four but thankfully after the training I have complete this game. I took a different approach to this playthrough. I slowed down and let myself really explore the world, talking to every npc and visiting all the houses in each city to see what was up. It made the experience very charming and relaxing, and I really felt I was going on this big adventure and forming bonds with my Pokémon. I’m hoping I can transfer my team all the way to violet somehow someway. Oh yeah and my little Bulbasaur named bite size, I kept him as a bulb. My team mascot! And won the league with him in my team; the true goat!

all these years of playing love live school idol festival really prepared me for the final verse of this game. This game is pain. This game is suffering. Unfortunately for yoko taro I enjoy pain and suffering; or maybe he’s trying to teach us a life lesson through all this masochistic nonsense. These sex craved characters and their witty two cents they have to constantly babble about as you’re running around. And yet these obnoxious characters all grew on me, I found myself enjoying all the banter, and sexual innuendos. The more I played, the better I understood these people and now I know where they are coming from. Zero gives them tough love and I’m with her on what she chooses to tell these fools. Even the dragon mikhail earned a spot in my love for the game; of course Michael is a lot cooler but that’s a given. At this point I don’t remember what my main point here was, I’m just reflecting on the game. The introduction to this game was very impressive. The characters designs are cool, I like all the personalities of the sisters. It’s genuinely very fun and feel good to play through. Thanks yoko taro, I bought Drakengard 1 after this so we’ll see how that goes.

painful, torturous. tedious among other things. it depicts a decent into madness like I've never seen before; if you can manage to slog your way through it, the experience alone is worthwhile. It was awful, but I look back on it fondly.

this game offers the best experience of a dooming apocalypse, a decent into hell, madness upon the world; death need not be the end of hope. But do the watchers laugh too? sing with me, sing! Lalalala

Just as bad as everyone makes it out to be. There’s only about 3 chapters I really enjoyed in this game. The daycare parts were boring to me, I just did not care about the task they wanted kiryu to do. Combat is annoying, everyone blocks your attacks. Fights end up super dragged out as a result. Also better bring some health items for all the big fights. The Chinese mafia guy boss fight was more difficult than the last few fights of the game. Running around the city is annoying as well because every 45 seconds a dude that wants to fight you spawns, and then you have to go through the dragged out fight that you very much were trying to avoid. Also can we talk about how that is just the actual Albert wesker in this game. OH and wth is chapter 9,,,they took 40 mins to explain 3 minutes of information. I felt like they were just on loop. Oh well, I’m sitting here at the completion screen feeling very satisfied, though I shall be aware that satisfaction is due to finally being done with this torturous game.

Devil May Cry 1 provided a nostalgic journey into the simplicity of classic games. The straightforward gameplay, where progression meant acquiring stronger weapons and enhancing personal abilities, was a refreshing departure from the information overload and busywork prevalent in contemporary titles. It's a reminder of a gaming era where the focus was on the core experience of playing and growing stronger, a sentiment often missed in today's more complex gaming landscape.

Devil May Cry 2 was a bit of a letdown for me. The plot felt weak, the combat got tiresome, especially when bosses pushed me to rely heavily on ranged weapons. Dante, who was so cool in the first game, felt kinda bland this time around. It's not all bad – I did have some fun playing as Lucia and tackling missions felt pretty rewarding. Yet, I can't help but feel they missed the mark with her character. The potential was there, but the execution fell short, leaving me wanting a deeper exploration of her story and capabilities. It's a missed opportunity that adds to my overall disappointment of the game. Looking forward to the other games in the series.

alright god of war ragnarok is finished. I enjoyed some of the final bits but overall the game is still a disappointment to me. Just wanted to get the levels over with as they are boring to traverse, and the writing is atrocious and comes off as flabby.

to say the least, I am satisfied with the wrap up of krato’s story, from the beginning early games to now; it’s quite a beautiful evolution of character.

well now I really understand the love for the dmc series. It’s a very cool game and Dante’s wittiness throughout is a pleasure to my ears. Edgelord Vergil with his katana. Lady! Ugly priest dude. Capcom excels once again with their characters. The final mission was driving me crazy, then all of a sudden I became the real Dante and just excelled at everything, all of a sudden I was in complete control of the entire battle. I was aware of 100 kills during credits, of course I get 99, the final enemy was defeated and doing it death animations but never added to the count,,,,oh well. I’ll definitely have to go and replay this game on the harder difficulties sometime. Thanks capcom

with the rebirth coming out soon I decided to go back and play through this dlc since I passed on it before. Being back in the final fantasy 7 remake world brought me so much joy, something about the game feels so charming. Walking around the town and having that beautiful final fantasy-esc music to accompany you, chef’s kiss! Yuffie’s fun, Sinon dude is pretty cool. Glad I decided to check it out, now I’m prepared for the rebirth !


spooky atmospheric japanese game where you get to run around as not just one, but three lovely ladies what more can you really ask for? The combat is dumb, straight up bonkers but despite the flaws,,,,the game mesmerized me in such a way that it wasn't a turn off. Games have jank, and you just have to go with it. Steer into the skid type of situation. You're going to be walking all over the place, but you really start getting familiar with the landscape. It's cool that these virtuals worlds become navigable in such a way like your very own neighborhood. Im in a time of my life where im not beating games like I used to. Seeing this game through to the end was a pleasure and it feels good to finally beat a game after so long. Return to form boogiepop era? i sure hope so!