A very important game to this dumb 6 year old kid and it still is almost 16 years later.

Makes me happy to see how much DNA from this is still present in their current games.

Really funny how in this game they gave more personality to the Pikmin by making them make little noises when they walk around and react more, but along with that Nintendo has manifested the true embodiment of evil itself in this game by dropping unwarranted bombs out of the sky on you and enemies that will wipe out your entire squad in half a second like Nintendo themselves is punishing you for even thinking of playing this game while they scream in horror and you see their spirits leave their bodies and float up into little Pikmin heaven. This game is awesome thank you Nintendo.

I think there has to be something wrong with you to enjoy this

I love trying to cross a bridge and half of my Pikmin decide to kill themselves

Play this game if you want 10 years taken off your life

not as bad as 06 or forces or lost world but that's not saying much fuck you

(updating this years later, I was so fucking wrong this is worse than all of them)

On the 360, this is actually a pretty good game