184 reviews liked by brende

probably the worst atlus game i've ever played

I have a genuine burning hatred for this game deep within my soul that i have not felt ever before

they took a goated ass game and made a dogshit ass boring ass lame ass uninspired ass fugazi ass sequel 25 years later for no fucking reason

My favorite Persona game. I wish Persona 6 would reuse some aspects of it. Easily the best story among the other games from the franchise.

My dealer: got some straight gas this strain is called “literature” you’ll be zonked out of your gourd
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I saw some demons in the forest
My buddy Walter pacing: the eastern kingdom of mikado is lying to us

Once you beat this game ask yourself if there is a single change in the story that you prefer over the original. I get that isnt the point of the game at all but i cant stand this modernization and re-imagining shit that theyre doing

For the first 10 hours I was screaming “hell yeah!” because i do genuinely love these characters and i don’t think ill ever get bored of seeing them interact with each other, on top of that seeing the remade locations from the original and hearing the music from the best soundtrack ever remade in stunning orchestrations is as phenomenal as it is nostalgic, however a good 60% of the time it either feels like ive played this game 40 times before or i just hate it.

I could go on for days about why the gameplay, strictly the combat, is amazing and easily the best action based system in the series (even though the bar is nonexistent), though it stops being as impactful when all im doing is grinding out the uneventful and unneeded filler main story quests that are there just to make the game 30 hours longer to get to the fun combat. Push object A to point B then climb a yellow wall while following a map marker that shows you exactly where to go at all times I LOVE CONSUMING SLOP😋 Of course this also heavily applies to the mundane and surprisingly small “open world” which is cool for the first 30 minutes and then quickly becomes boring as you realize there’s really nothing to do in it aside from fight enemies and do occasional QTE sequences. It’s not the worst thing in the world, it’s just very generic.

The story is just fan service and while some elements are cool its actual slop and that’s alright because sometimes it’s ok to treat yourself to some junk food (shit like this game) after eating healthy greens (the original game) there was another joke i wanted to make but i can’t even remember i think im developing alzheimers something something cell degradation
Once you beat this game ask yourself if there is a single change in the story that you prefer over the original. I get that isnt the point of the game at all and that this is supposed to be its own thing or whatever, but i cant stand this modernization and re-imagining shit that theyre doing because they’re doing it so horribly wrong

For the first 10 hours I was screaming “hell yeah!” because i do genuinely love these characters and i don’t think ill ever get bored of seeing them interact with each other. That very well could be the best part about this game, because there wasn’t a point where I got bored of the character writing, and honestly it was one of the few things getting me through the boring ass story aside from seeing the remade locations and music, however a good 60% of the time it either feels like I’ve played this game 40 times before or I just hate it.

I could go on for days about why the gameplay, strictly the combat, is amazing and easily the best action based system in the series (even though the bar is nonexistent), though it stops being as impactful when all im doing is grinding out the uneventful and unneeded filler story that are there just to make the game 30 hours longer to get to the fun combat. Push object A to point B then climb a yellow wall while following a map marker that shows you exactly where to go at all times I LOVE CONSUMING SLOP😋and of course this also heavily applies to the mundane and surprisingly small “open world” which is cool for the first 30 minutes and then quickly becomes boring as you realize there’s really nothing to do in it aside from fight enemies and do occasional QTE sequences. I want to make it clear that im not one of those console warrior people who care about the world size and loading screens because i really could give less of a shit but I am a firm believer in quality over quantity and like most open slop games this doesn’t follow that mantra. It’s not the worst thing in the world, it’s just very, very generic. Also Charley or whatever that assholes name is has to shut the fuck up

The best way I can summarize my thoughts on the story is that it’s just fan service for really hardcore final fantasy 7 super fans who either dont know how to read between the lines or read between the lines too much. Like I’ve said about pretty much everything in this game… it’s cool…. But its just slop… and that’s alright because sometimes it’s ok to treat yourself to some junk food (shit like this game) after eating healthy greens (the original game) there was another joke i wanted to make but i can’t even remember i think im developing alzheimers something something cell degradation

I think what it comes down to is that this game is always either way too scared to do anything impactful during key story sequences or when it’s somewhat impactful it completely fumbles by doing some weird multiverse bullshit that shouldn’t have even a suggestion. I have not been a fan of anything they’ve done with FF7 and its characters since the original game and i guess crisis core and this is a key reason why. That being said, am i going to buy Final fantasy vii: reborn? Of course. I love slop💕😋 and i love final fantasy

I would hate to be one of the people who refuse to play the game because it doesn't have social links, flashy UI and non first person gameplay just to miss out on what I consider to be a well told story that isn't as drawn out and boring as other persona games. I’m serious too, the first person gameplay really isn't bad and I can't understand what drew me away from this game when I first played it.

I figured I would have hated this game a lot more than I did, and it really isn't even bad at all. I had no trouble with the combat and fusing in this game and found it fun especially near the end of the game when things started opening up, I would even go as far to say that it's my favorite fusion system in the series since every character is able to equip three personas of your choosing. It’s never too overpowered because most of them usually have 4-5 moves max, though the game is really easy so I guess this doesn't really matter much Lol

Should be noted that in the psp version of this game, it's hard to pay attention to anything but the mini map when exploring mazes because the gameplay is too fast, even when you’re not running and toggling skip animations during battle. I'm not exaggerating either you're actually running at mach 5 and getting into constant encounters because for some reason they decided the encounter rate needed to be raised. To that end I wish I listened to my friend @Zotol and played the ps1 version when he told me to, but instead because he hates using the emulator I sent him what’s apparently a “half broken psp” even though it was perfectly fine aside from being smashed with a Warwood Tool 3 lb. Double-Faced Small Sledge Hammer - Tools for Home Improvement - Tools & Home Improvement - Made in the USA and being dropped in the toilet twice (he didn't notice though)

I loathe being called a persona fan so let's just leave it at "persona 1 fan"

Puzzles and exploration of the world were overall enjoyable but more than a few times did it lead to obtuse solutions or no idea of where to go next. Wish combat had more going on. Characters are very set in their roles leading to the same strategy every boss fight. Game overstays its welcome with an impressive amount of content but not enough narrative meat or visual variety to keep the experience fresh and enjoyable until the end. Most enjoyable aspects were the world and music.

To say that Alan Wake 2 is a good sequel would be an understatement. I believe that it is one of the greatest games I have ever played. It's been a few months since I beat it, platted it, replayed it, and yet, it's still all I think about. Where do I even begin?

Remedy took the feedback from the first game to heart. There's no more abhorrent, forced action-set-pieces; but instead, genuine horror. I won't lie, it's definitely not the most fun game ever made- the Resident Evil Remakes blow this out of the water in that department. However, I think it's all it needed to be. Where the game's true ambition lies is in its storytelling, and use of numerous art forms. Alan Wake 2 is not only a game, but a movie, a musical, and a book all in one. And somehow, it isn't an incoherent mess of ideas. They flow so naturally, and I was always left in shock and awe right until the credits rolled. I want to go into more detail, but I'm trying to keep my reviews light, and spoiler-free. I truly believe that a game like this only comes once in a lifetime, and I'm so grateful for its existence. Hats off to you, Remedy.

We Sing is one of the greatest moments in gaming history, by the way.

I initially wanted Alan Wake 2 to be the first game I'd log in Backloggd, but it doesn't feel right to skip over the original. I think Alan Wake is a conflicting title. I thought the story was excellent, and at times, masterfully interwoven in a form ludonarrative harmony with the gameplay; however, it's the latter that's the point of contention. Alan Wake is one of the most monotonous, and unfun video games I have ever played. Any sense of horror or creepy atmosphere that you feel is sloppily undercut by a barrage of enemies, and a horror sting that gets old by about the third time you've heard it. I used to let all that slide because the story was so captivating, but as time goes on, I find it harder and harder to justify. There are just so many moments- especially towards the end- where the gameplay brings the pacing to a screeching halt. It's like the developers were deathly afraid of letting the player go five seconds without a campy action-set-piece going off. In the end, I still think you should play Alan Wake; solely because you'll need the context of this game to understand the sequel- which is better in quite literally every conceivable way.

Half-Life 2 is what people THINK Tears of the Kingdom is. An innovative physics based action/puzzle game set in a post apocalyptic world that changed the gaming industry - done near 20 years earlier and executed in a much more fun way. The amazing sound design and world building make it stand out from the rest. I do wish they had leaned into the horror more as that one level in Ravenholm was fantastic, and I was honestly expecting something a bit more plot heavy, but I loved every moment of this campaign and felt embarassed that it's been sitting on my computer for so long unplayed.