279 Reviews liked by burnoutenjoyer

Amalgamation of modern AAA trends that feels like it was packaged together by corporate suits, with a Star Wars lick of paint to boot. What's here does work, but it's just going through the motions

Mediocre military TPS that's worth a second look because the story on paper stands out from the crowd. The execution isn't the best by any measure but I would still say it warrants a playthrough.

A small group of people seem really insistent on the idea that the game blames the player for committing war crimes, but this never happens. Must be a self insert problem.

Note: This review was written shortly after release in 2007. I just copied it here from the original place where I reviewed it

…For 99.9% of the people, GHIII is the same as GHII yet we get online play (which is just as awesome as you’d think) and tons more songs yet it is probably the most disappointing GH when it comes to cover songs. You get songs like One, Number of the Beast, School’s Out, Cult of Personality and more, but they aren’t show stoppers like in GHI and II. GHIII, however, has the best song list for more indie music and lesser-known covers like My Curse, Stricken, Before I Forget, Through Fire and Flames, Prayer for the Refugee and more. This is also the first GH to be IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT! While the game is hard enough on Hard good luck beating the last few sets on Expert. It’ll take you months to master these songs if at all. Through Fire in Flames is probably impossible for most GH buffs on Medium or Hard. Luckily, after hours upon hours of practice, I BARELY scraped through the song on Expert.

Some new features are the updated graphics…they’re finally next-gen! The game has great physics with bouncing and swaying clothes, high-def textures so denim looks like denim. The characters also get more of a sexual upgrade (thanks, Neversoft!) Judy Nails is as hot as ever yet they left out Pandora and added a preppy Japanese chick. There are a few great new characters like Slash, Tom Morello, and Zeus the Rock God. Speaking of Slash and Tom you now get boss battles. These don’t play out like you think. The first few are easy, but the last one, playing Devil Went Down to Georgia, is just pure luck. You have to hit sequences like when you get Star Power but instead, you get weapons. These include breaking your string (you have to press a button really fast), raising the difficulty, blowing your amp (all the buttons flash on screen) or doubling the notes. This is fun, but some may NEVER beat it on Expert.

Minus all of that you can now play a Co-Op Career which is really fun as well and is pretty self-explanatory. Overall GHIII is more for indie and lesser known band fans. If you want famous songs then you’re out of luck. Thankfully the game has lots of downloadable songs now. I just wish the GHII songs were compatible.

beat dark souls 2
easily the worst game ive played to completion in the last 3 years theres so much to complain about this game and not a single redeeming feature
if you genuinely think this is decent in any way whatsoever 1 you're either blinded by nostalgia or 2 you're just fucking stupid there's no other way around it

1\. this game has the most shallow takes on mental health i've seen since last time i opened twitter
2. everyone i've met who's really into this game is the most annoying type of guy that exists
3. if you're going to have accessibility options, the least you can do is not make them insult you for using them

Pra mim talvez *O* jogo mais superestimado da história.

I think one of the best things about getting my Quest 2 back from my brother is being able to play a bunch of mobile games while I wait for RE4VR. Mobile games in the sense that they are bargain bin garbage and mobile games in another sense where they are shitty ports of games on pc.

Anyway, this free to play game on the Quest 2 is bad. Who would have ever guessed?

Normally I'd really put in the effort to say just how bad it is but who the hell is looking at a review for a bad mobile vr game?

It sucks in every way possible. Playable? Sure. Enjoyable? Hell, maybe if you're in middle school. Maybe.
Although I did see some grown ass men playing this in one of the lobbies I hopped in and they were having a grand old time attacking each other with weak, unsatisfying, janky knives. I guess if you don't get to play games often or only play the most cookie cutter of games, then it's possible for someone to have fun with this.

To sum this game up, hey if you're the developer and you made this for a college project or something. You did good enough. Not good, but good enough.
If you made this game because you legitimately want to develop games as a career. Try harder, much harder.

You made your company 2 years ago and this is what you came up with? God bless, you really need it man

At least with the Quest 2 I got that fishing game I bought forever ago on the Rift S I don't feel like pulling back out. Other than that, its just the same shit I've already been playing.


I replay it on PS4 from PC.
The same excellent game, with probably the best melee system of any action-adventure game.
Challenging, fast and beautiful.
Nice characters and good story.
A LOT of mini-bosses.

Not that full of options like previous FromSoftware games (weapons, outfits, builds, etc) but still and amazing game.

Final boss it's super hard but awesome to master.

Only caveat on PS4 is the bad framerate, specially on Ashina Castle.

I can say it´s in my opinion one of the best resident evil games and one of the best and most fun action games I´ve played. I know it has its flaws the game but the action is really awesome and really underrated. And mechanically is one of the best resident evils in my opinion and theres just so much content and so much to do and so much replay factor that´s really gud

Mirror’s Edge is actually one of my favorite games of all time. It didn’t sell well, hence the near-decade hiatus, and a lot of gamers just didn’t get the game. It also had a lot of flaws such as linear level design, a paper-thin story, and awful combat. While Catalyst improves upon a lot of weaknesses from the first game it also never addresses some as well. EA DICE really tried pushing the story further by showing us more of Faith’s past and how she’s tied to the KrugerSec conglomerate that’s brainwashing the entire country. Faith, along with the help of friends, must stop this evil police state and try and free the people. While this is good and all, the problem is that the world itself is sterile, boring, and so are the characters. There’s no reason to really care outside of the somewhat entertaining story missions thrown at us. Icarus, Plastic, Noah, and various other characters just feel like cookie-cutter generic fill-ins for something that could be more.

This also goes for learning about the world. The majority of the game is actually filled with side missions, time trial runs, collecting things, and audio recordings. Here’s the problem with all of this. I just do not care one iota to do any of these. I spent a good ten hours trying to complete every mission as I went on and then I just gave up. I don’t care about this world enough to bother spending more than the 8-10 hours the story missions give me. While the art style is faithful to the original with vibrant reds, blues, whites, and oranges, running around the city on top of Glass just isn’t interesting. I’m glad there’s an open world here rather than linear level design, but if it’s filled with boring filler content just give me a better linear story mode. I don’t want to hack billboards to put my “ghost” on it for other players to see. I don’t want to create my own run trials for others to play. I have never cared less for an open world than in Catalyst. You pretty much see the entire city during the story missions, but after collecting the 100th chip, the 150th blue orb, and finishing at least two dozens of trial runs and side missions I just stopped caring. There’s no real reward for finishing all of these either outside of “drops” you get to customize your ghost for players to see online.

Here’s something else to consider. I had this game installed on my PC for four years before finally finishing it. I wanted to complete the game as much as possible, but every time I booted it up and saw the dozens and dozens of icons on the maps, finished a few side missions, I turned it off. I have never had a game installed on my PC for that long without making frequent progress. I had a kid, went through three GPU generations, built two whole PCs, became a nurse, moved states, lost my father, and have a second kid on the way. All that happened between release and finishing the game. The world is just plain boring and the story isn’t interesting enough to warrant sticking around for most gamers. I really like Faith, as she’s a well-designed character, but her personality is very one-note and she feels generic as well.

Let’s talk about what you actually can do in the game. The entire appeal of Mirror’s Edge is the parkour system. The first person parkour system is a lot of fun, and honestly the only saving grace for the entire franchise. You can run, jump, slide, double jump, zipline, and propel yourself around the buildings with grace. The new runner’s vision is a must as this is a red line you follow and the objects you need to use turn red. While running around and jumping around buildings is exciting, after 15 hours you grow tired of it sometimes. Only do the story missions provide something new to climb on or new environments to be in as well as scripted events. The controls work for the most part, but it’s the combat that hasn’t improved much and is a real pain. I honestly wish they just nixed combat all together for the series. You can do heavy and light attacks, but also while jumping off walls, off ledges onto enemies, and slide into their legs. If they’re stunned you can do quick three-hit combos, dodge and kick from behind, and all that jazz. It works, but it’s very frustrating when you confront more than two enemies at a time and it’s not fun when you aren’t on the move. Most of the time you can avoid enemies and only a few instances required me to take them down, but combat isn’t fun at all. The guns are gone in this game, but the combat just feels clunky, heavy, slow, and cumbersome.

That’s pretty all there is in the game. It looks fantastic as it pushed the Nvidia 10xx series cards to their limits when this game came out, and I remember my GTX 970 couldn’t run the game on Hyper settings at 60FPS. It just looks so good, but again very sterile and boring to actually be in. The main missions provide entertaining for about 8-10 hours, but the extra side stuff is a pointless borefest. The parkour system combined with an open world just isn’t interesting enough to justify spending 50+ hours completing everything. Every area pretty much looks the same and the characters are boring and generic and I feel the series needs a complete overhaul if it even gets one. Due to poor sales of this game, we may be seeing the last of Faith. Stay for the story and then don’t bother after that.

I understand everyone wants to praise indie games. I get it, I really do. It’s a middle finger to the corporate world and developers can explore interesting new ideas without the weight of a watchful eye. A Mortician’s Tale kind of explores this exact idea, but with a funeral home.

The game starts out well and gave me an idea of how the game would progress. A mortician named Rose gets a new job right out of med school at a family owned funeral home, you slowly perform different ways to prepare bodies from embalming to cremating. It’s a cool concept and things started getting weird when the game walked me through every single body preparation. I thought I was in for a long game as I thought it would take a while to see everything the game had, thus the extended tutorial times.

The story is told through emails on your computer between employees and Rose’s school friend. The sad morbid music painted an atmosphere I was starting to get into and the emails told me that something was going to happen. Of course, the tides turned when a corporation bought the funeral home and I was thinking this is when things will start picking up, but they didn’t. Then the game ended. Yeah, just like that.

I really admire indie games and these unique little adventures and stories they tell. Some are the most memorable I have such as Soma, Observer, and even Journey, but this isn’t how you do it. Don’t drag the player through tutorials, build an entire game system, create characters and an atmosphere, and end the game when most would start picking up. I hate this so much and I refuse to give these developer’s any credit for what they did. They literally skipped to the end of the story and everything building up to it had no meaning. I also understand short games, I’ve played games this short and felt very satisfied with their ending. This tale is not worth a second of your time.

When I play this game I imagine cousin Roman is my friend Kenny =)

Sekiro is the latest effort by From Software and director Miyazaki, creators of Dark Souls and Bloodborne, and I have finally gotten around to playing through about half (it seems, maybe 2/3rds?) the game. I've stopped at that point because after playing it for 3~ hours today and another session or two each 2+ hours I realized: have I ever actually turned off the game after one of these sessions and felt satisfied? Had fun? Felt like I really did something enjoyable or cool or... anything really? The answer to that is just no, honestly.

In fairness to Sekiro, I'm using some cheats on the PC version to make myself a decent amount stronger after having just an annoying time in the early game. I beat 4~ bosses and was frankly REALLY tired of stomping all over the regular enemies and then getting my ass handed to me by the boss repeatedly. I felt like I was making essentially no improvements, and honestly the combat just wasn't very fun. There is an increased emphasis on parrying mechanics, which is cool I dug that in Bloodborne, but it just doesn't really feel satisfying to perform sucessfully because there's not a whole lot of feedback other than the clanging of swords (which does sound great!). The combat is also like 90%+ just regular ass dudes with regular weapons and that is a little... I dunno, not interesting?

Sekiro departs pretty majorly from the Soulsborne games - no levels, no stats (well, very few stats that are raised only after killing enough bosses) no character creation, no piecemeal story... There's real cutscenes in this game! With dialog! And characters who have like... motivations! and arcs! You'd think I would dig this, but honestly? Nah. It is set in Sengoku Japan, and that should be awesome. And in fact, a lot of it IS awesome. But its just not quite what I'm looking for? Or maybe the gameplay isn't as fun so the surrounding stuff just isn't as interesting?

I am tempted to blame it on using the trainer, but honestly I was having 0 fun when I started and began to have minimal fun when I used the boosts because then I actually, ya know, progressed sort of regularly but.. I mean I used trainers for Dark Souls 1 and 3 the first time and I still fucking loved those games.

It is tremendously unfortunate (mostly because I spent like 40 bucks on the game when I could've just borrowed it from ~~~) but I think I am finished with Sekiro. I don't really care to see the ending to the story or characters, I am not interested in seeing what "enemies" are around the next bend or the areas they're set in. I turned off Bloodborne and every time I couldn't wait to get back in. Every time I turned off Sekiro I just felt tired.

This game wants to be open-world Last of Us. Problem is, The Last of Us works as a game because of the scavenging mechanic, which this game takes from it (like every other game since TLOU to be fair). However, it faces a paradox because of this: either you give the player too little ressources, and they'll want to keep those precious ressources for the main story missions and be discouraged from exploring, or you give too much, and the scavenge system loses all interest. This game is fundamentally broken, not to mention the very bad start to the story (I got 7 hours through it and just wasn't hooked at all), the forgettable gameplay... Apparently this game gets better after a while, but I'm sorry, if 7 hours in, I still don't see a bit of light, I'm done.
I'll give out two stars because it's a good concept, I like the post-apocaliptic biker imagery, the side activites weren't too bad when I had enough ressources to do them... The storyline system makes the game feel a bit unfocused, but isn't a bad idea in of itself. This had potential.

Slave Knight Gael wasn't really that hard. This is really the boss redditors were hyping up?