Mortal Kombat’s inputs will always be butt, but what else ain’t to love about this reboot? Absolutely insane story mode set a new standard for fighters.

“Is it finished, Yuri?”
“No, Comrade Premiere. It is only begun.”

This is the first and only time you will ever hear me say a game was too short.

It’s Tetris. Probably the best Tetris. The fuck do you want? Play some Tetris.

I mean, it’s no Warcraft 3, let’s be real.

I'm the one person on earth who despises the vehicle and Space Harrier sections, but this game still kicks massive angelic ass.

More than just a womb for Dota.


Ti’zo too good for this world.

A wild new genre appeared!

Charming and miserable in more or less equal measure. It’s misery with a purpose, of course, but all the same I don’t think I needed to experience it for myself to appreciate the value. A good Let’s Play just does as well.

Did anyone actually play the first Civilization? Did it ever even exist? I’m not convinced.

As a piece of design it’s completely outdated and impenetrable, but that doesn’t change The Legend of Zelda’s ability to take me back to a state like lost memory. It’s an evocative and powerful little game about being stranded in a strange and dangerous magical world; I’ll always kind of love it for that even if I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.