I don’t understand why more people haven’t played this.

A masterpiece of perspective and reimagination.

Probably the most impressive remake/remaster in the medium to date. Absolutely breathtaking new animation. Wonder Boy itself is an artifact in a lot of ways, yet a fascinating one that’s mostly still engaging as a game — until you reach some near-broken late-game sequences whose difficulty spikes so high a successful run depends more on luck and patience than any real skill or practice.

It’s a little sad to imagine how good these games could have been with good writing.

“Arthas, what are you doing, my son?”
“Succeeding you, Father.”

The best RTS campaign every put to computer, packed in with a map editor so good it launched who even knows how many new genres.

Roughly 20 hours of good game buried under 30 hours of tedious nonsense. Twilight Princess lost most of my goodwill before it even finished the condescending hours-long tutorial, and what little was left the pixel-hunting Wolf Link segments murdered. An enormous waste of time and potential, and probably the hardest a game’s ever disappointed me.

Capcom didn’t have to go this hard, but I’m sure as fuck glad they did. One of the only two Zelda games with any defensible claim to top Link’s Awakening.

Capcom didn’t have to go this hard, but I’m sure as fuck glad they did. One of the only two Zelda games with any defensible claim to top Link’s Awakening.

A breathtaking piece of interactive narrative innovation no one else in the industry has shown any interest in imitating. 80 Days is a masterpiece start to finish, and we deserve way more games with this much interest in weaving words and player agency seamlessly into story.

Illustrative of the degree to which all the charming character design in the world won’t save your platformer from bad levels and bland mechanics.

Yet another western RPG that could have been incredible if the act of playing it weren’t constant misery.

This game could be incredible if it weren’t for the part where you have to play it.