Great transition to the console, played really fast at times, and was fun to play with friends.

I really love the concept of this, the alt history elements, and the gameplay. I know that paradox games take a while to get good at, but due to my current obsession with ck3 I havent put as much time into this one. Looking forward to mastering it at a later point.

So much fun and a great improvement on the series to have you driving around in your free time. tons of customization, an amazing OST, some really cool cars, and an amazing game for its time.

Great racing game, one of the first I really enjoyed playing and customizing.

Fun game for the series, wasnt my favorite, but I also played it very late as not having a DS made it hard. One to revisit as I know many people love this one.

Awesome game, really fun to play through solo, as well as online with friends. has tons of the classic GTA feel while also adding tons of new stuff to an interesting story and endless stream of content and things to do and buy.

Just like red, an amazing game to being an iconic series, still holds up today.

An awesome entry into the series, that explores a new territory so it doesn't drag out the perfection of Rapture. Columbia has tons to offer, gameplay improvements, and a great tie in to the series as a whole. Arguably the most fun to play in the series and it doesn't disappoint in the story aspects either.

Fun entry into the series, and a really cool concept and design. felt like the story at times wasnt the best, but it tied together nicely. had a lot to offer for the series in a more local to me setting

really enjoyed this game as my intro to the series, most people start with 3 but this came out as I learned about the series and I loved it. tons to explore, some really funny missions and characters, and lots to do.

Really fun game and journey into the DC universe. still need to play the previous entries because this one was a fun play and had some great fighting mechanics and cameos.

Used to love this game as a kid, dont remember a ton about it but I do remember it was so fun to play at the time, and had great customization and was fun to play through.

a great intro to an amazing series. not much more to say, super fun gameplay, tons of lore behind the series, and has tons of replay value through the years.

a great sequel that is often under appreciated. they improved the gameplay, added new mechanics that are helpful, and the story is even better if you follow the internet prequel event that gives it an even darker background.

Favorite game of all time, built upon the strengths of fallout 3 while adding some great new features. The New Vegas setting is one of the better options and has tons of cool things to offer, some of the NPCs are top tier, the story overall is great, but again the side quests and DLCs really make the game stand out above others. Have played it 8 times to date and im sure there are plenty more to come.