over the course of a bit over a year and a half the worst game I have ever beaten has been completed. so excited for reverse rebirth 🔥🔥🔥🔥

I think encounter design suffers a bit compared to the first one but the sheer ambition on display here is so goated. peak video gaming.

I'm seeing an inner-circle-esque secret faction of losers and haters surrounding me from all sides, from within Discord servers and on this very website, conspiring to talk shit about the baby blood platforming sequences. Unfortunately for this dark and cruel caucus, the atmospheric context of these scenes makes for a perfect setpiece as the very logic of the game crumbles around you within those stunningly great dream sequences.
There's also only like 5 minutes of it across the entire game.

this is me on my walk to class it's so dangerous for a little kitten like me in the big wide world

A better future is possible, but a better past is not. Wake from the dream and be free...

People say that it's worth working through the awful gunplay to get to the story neglecting the fact that it has some all time boring writing and delivery. I played this shit for like 15 hours in desperate search for a lick of appeal and came up hopelessly empty.

one of the most immediately charming video games I've ever played. i'm brute force bringing this back and re-mainstreaming it no matter what it takes. holy shit.

The endgame of intellectual property, the concept of "owning" a character or concept has culminated in this. I was in a car with Geralt of Rivia and Doomguy when Hollywood Baby by 100 gecs started blasting. Once it has VR support it will be the metaverse and The Matrix. I want to be jacked into the computer and shown characters I know forever. Funko Pop incarnate.

they were not lying that second half of halo sure can put me to sleep

The fact that this is generally considered a lesser Yakuza game is proof that gamers are fundamentally incapable of comprehending concepts like “hanging out” and “chilling”.

Makes Air Combat, which I had thought of right before playing this as one of the coolest games, look like baby time for idiots by comparison. God, what a ride, if the series stays this consistent I'm in for a new favorite.

people keep wanting to dig deeper and deeper into undertale, its metatextuality becomes an all-consuming force in which all themes of undertale have to be about undertale because undertale is about undertale, but no!!!! the game has things to say about stuff other than itself and i’d argue that its only interested in itself as a metaphor for much more material themes. it juxtaposes treating the game as a lived in world full of characters versus treating the game as pile of content not to say “treating games as piles of content is bad” but as a metaphor about why living out our, like, actual lives as strictly instrumental is bad.

readings of it being exclusively or even primarily about fandom or the way we interact with games are so limiting. It's such a loving and emotionally honest game and reducing it to a snake eating its own tail makes me sad.

My first and, as of now, only Final Fantasy game.
If the party didn't go to space and deal with aliens, if this was a simple, grounded story about a man's quest for redemption, I would like it many times better.
Cecil's quest for redemption is so good that I have to say that "I like this game", but most everything about the space story up until the very ending is bad.
I am, honestly, happy I played this, but I spent about half of it wanting it to be over.
ATB sucks so much ass.