Narrative Suggestions for Moo

My friend asked for some suggestions that might fit his taste in narrative. I don't know how many of these will be close, but these were the best I had.

Probably one of the most convoluted sci-fi stories I've experienced in a while that actually felt like it all fit together in the end. The characters help keep things entertaining throughout, as well.
This is a VN that I would suggest off the strength of its hauntingly beautiful atmosphere alone. There is substance behind the style, however, and I found this to be a gripping tragedy.
A VN you'll either vibe with for its raw aura or will get filtered out of for its loose and non-linear structure.
A fascinating and melancholy adventure. It could perhaps be a bit more fleshed out gameplay wise, but I found the story intriguing.
More esoteric than Bastion, but all the more memorably poetic for it. I had to play it twice to really figure it out back in the day, and I'll probably get another interpretation when I play it again. But by golly it's gorgeous whether you get it or not.
At this point I can't remember the specifics, but if you're looking for a well realized and characterized cyberpunk story I remember this scratching that itch.
A bit of an uneven experience pacing wise, but the characters are very likable and the plot is surprisingly detailed and grounded for the premise presented.
The fun of a crime noir story with the extra spice of fairy tales in the modern world. I really enjoyed the character dynamics and twisted plot.
While you could consider it weak as a traditional narrative, I always found that if you take some time to creep around the world and witness the details carved into it you'll find a hauntingly fable-like tale of a dying empire.
This is not a happy story. One could probably even call it indulgently pessimistic. But the presentation is phenomenally unique and I personally love it's hard-boiled charm.
I probably wouldn't appreciate this one as much now as I did back in the day, but I'd still imagine the main emotional beats will be just as… well… depression-kino.
A short and sometimes silly but ultimately heartfelt story about a man's dying regrets.
Short, sweet, and bittersweet. Bastion's story is unique and memorable with a charming presentation and music that is instantly nostalgic.
If hype is a selling point for you, then you'll probably enjoy this VN's ability to serve it's extravagant mystery with a heaping helping of it.
Probably the most profound work of our time… when played in French
Probably the most profound work of our time if I'm being perfectly honest.
A classic style martial arts movie in RPG form from a western studio. It's been so long since I've played that I can hardly remember what the actual strengths are, but it's still something unique enough that I'll suggest it anyway.
A truly bonkers emotional roller coaster.
The coziest disaster survival story I've read. Lots of mystery and intrigue on the plot side accented with plenty of character development for a likable cast.


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