about chandler: video games

i'm a sucker for these kinds of templates so here's mine

Midway Arcade Treasures
Midway Arcade Treasures
childhood game
midway arcade treasures

consider this a catch-all for any sort of old game collection i had - plug n plays included. i'm eternally grateful for my parents buying me this kinda stuff as a kid. definitely helped me appreciate what came before my time
Shadow of the Colossus: Limited Edition
Shadow of the Colossus: Limited Edition
best ending
shadow of the colossus

i don't need to say anything else
Halo 3 & Fable II Double Pack
Halo 3 & Fable II Double Pack
tons of hours played
i'll leave it up to you to figure out if it's halo 3 or fable 2

ok it's halo 3

i don't even want to know how much time i've spent playing multiplayer on this. initially i was gonna say thps3 instead, but then i very quickly changed that because, uh, yeah
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix: Platinum Limited Edition
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix: Platinum Limited Edition
favorite game of all time
kingdom hearts final mix

kingdom hearts is a product of its time in the best possible way, and it's oh-so fitting that a narrative centered on the whimsical travels of sheltered teenagers would become such an immaculate time capsule for the early 00s

everything works perfectly to be exactly what it needs to be. the combat is weighty, challenging, and satisfying. the exploration is reminiscent of the best thq-era platformers - basic but loaded with time-saving mechanics and sequence breaks. and everything else from the music, to the story and aesthetics all result in a timeless classic that can be best described with three words:

simple and clean
Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far
Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far
favorite series
kingdom hearts

tetsuya nomura is one of the most fascinating writers that the game industry has to offer, and i never tire of seeing how active and willing he is to piss off and filter his lukewarm fans in the name of his own creative visions

never gonna stop laughing at all the people who claim the story doesn't make any sense
Echo Night: Beyond
Echo Night: Beyond
haven't played but want to
echo night beyond

echo night looks awesome, but i honestly wanna play beyond for the meme of its western cover art being chad as fuck. bless agetec
Chaos Legion
Chaos Legion
best art style
chaos legion

it's like if someone made a game directly inspired by the secret ending of kh1. i fucking adore it and i wish more people would give this a shot
guilty pleasure

i'll just make this my "charming 6/10" slot. game kinda sucks but the vibes and general uncanniness pushed me through to the end
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden
game you always come back to
ninja gaiden

probably my favorite nes game. it's so rooted in its hardcore appeal that i don't consider its cruel and unfair design towards the endgame a flaw. get good or get fucked
Mega Man X6
Mega Man X6
i love but everyone hates
megaman x6 (honorable mention to ff2)

people who complain about nightmares give me life

i'll admit x6 has some hilariously dickhead design in places, but i find it so amusingly cruel that i just respect it as chad design. i also don't care nearly as much as most about these things because x6 is by far the most fun to control game in the entire series. zero especially handles like a dream and his own series' limited controls are a serious downgrade after this
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
favorite protagonist
cloud strife

bet i scared you there huh

honestly i was torn between him and snow villiers, but i ultimately went with cloud cause he's more of a protagonist and ffxiii's cast significance is pretty evenly distributed for the most part

anyway, cloud is fantastic. any notion suggesting otherwise is wrong and perpetuated by his representation in advent children, which is a piss poor movie
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle For Bikini Bottom
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle For Bikini Bottom
relaxing game
spongebob squarepants: battle for bikini bottom

i love the first three seasons of spongebob more than any other show, and this encapsulates that pre-movie era perfectly. it's also a damn good 3d platformer in its own right with a surprising amount of room for sequence breaks and creative exploration
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
i hate but everyone loves
dragon quest v (honorable mention to ffvi)

look, i get it. i understand the whole generational appeal, and i can appreciate the sense of scale that dqv pushes for - on paper - in execution i'm left with a template for a cool story and a bunch of cardboard slabs as the acting roles

the characters are just so minute and insignificant that their lack of presence totally severs any attachment i could've had to the narrative, and it REALLY doesn't help how boring as shit and braindead the gameplay itself is on top of that
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Final Fantasy XIII-2
favorite boss fight
ffxiii-2's finale

i don't wanna spend all day thinking about this, so here's the first one that came to my head. this whole battle is fucking awesome and the theme that backs it strikes terror and fear within me
best soundtrack

the replicant remake fucking this up is a war crime and i'm serving up ass beatings to anyone who likes automata's music more
Drakengard 3
Drakengard 3
stressful game
drakengard 3

this is the most apt possible choice for many reasons
favorite villain
grahf, the seeker of power

doth thou desire the power?
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2
best story
silent hill 2

i've genuinely never felt more uncomfortable playing a game than while experiencing this. incredible, chilling narrative with some really fascinating characters and extremely fucking disturbing imagery. in water is the best ending btw

1 Comment

enjoy the Nomura and the fans bit. accurate.

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