i think this is about a good a way to end the trilogy as could have been done. i felt like hitman 2 really explored the limits of the "standard" hitman level style, so the more scripted levels of 3 didn't bother me much. very nice that they disable some of the story objective stuff on replay.

i really wanted to like this but the movement just felt really clunky to me

i am enjoying this! i definitely can see the complaints about the runs being too long but it doesn't bother me much right now. my one complaint is that it doesn't feel super visually readable a lot of the time but it might also just be an issue of my tv setup right now.

i loved this game. i think the tragedy of my first knight commander's story is something that'll stick with me for a very long time. the writing is mostly very good and a lot of the combat is fun. the endgame gets a little tedious but that's more to do with the pf1e system than the game itself imo.

the crusade stuff isn't the worst but there's definitely too much of it. is honestly probably my goty.

i like this a lot! i think i'm gonna slow burn this one; the stories it generates will be much more memorable if i'm not doing a bunch of runs. i like the slow pace of the tactics too: it feels almost like a chess puzzle.

this is basically what i wanted from vampire survivors. a little more active engagement, less blatant slots machine stuff, and an art style that's a bullet straight to my heart.


this was really good. i didn't like it quite as much as paratopic but it did make me cry.

i really liked this and wish i had more time to put into a new fighting game. instead i will keep labbing fuc for some reason??

this was fun for a bit but it didn't quite click. i don't hold any ill will though; nor do i think it's a broken game like the discourse says.

scifi hitman meets dishonored meets a run-based structure. very fun and exactly my shit.

this was fun but i did not enjoy the writing in it. at the end of the day i don't think i got the speedrunning dog in me.

i loved this game. you loved this game. we all loved this game. it is too big but that is also the core of elden ring's trick (tm). i also enjoyed the messy story stuff a lot. it is nice to see build variety come back.

i don't know why i thought i'd like this since i don't remember liking the original that much

a little too transparently slots machine for my taste. kinda grosses me out tbh.