really good for a breather game, my friend was right👍
if you want to chill and not worry about anything but simple (-ish) exploration and platforming that even a doofus like me, who usually hates this stuff, can manage (yeah, the final level is a pain in the ass and the final boss is like twice as long as he should be... but if i could do it, so can you), this is for you (assuming you can put up with the extreme silliness)

Me and my friend often joke one of the biggest joys of Trails is busywork. CS1 does not seem to understand that this is a joke.
There is some truth to it (saying it as a completionist who is unreasonably upset about missing one enemy scan), but it's certainly not what most people come to the series for - they want a compelling, multi-layered character cast, tight worldbuilding, and an awesome soundtrack. This game only delivers on one of those at the absolute best.
The music in this game is leagues better than most of Sky, but still doesn't match the Crossbell games in overall quality (aside from standouts like Investigation and Path of Spirits.). However, the atmosphere it creates is refreshing.

-case 3 dragged on quite a bit, but 4 and 5 are some of the most fun i had in the series, with 4 comfortably taking the spot as my fav individual case ever
-nahyuta is a victim of the game's poor at times pacing and repetitiveness, if they used their playing field to give his character development more ground instead of messing around, people would not have been upset
-music fucks unlike dual destinies
-gameplay feels like it has substance unlike dual destinies
-this should have been athena and apollo's game with no phoenix
-hell of tickling amirite

i am not touching cross lmao. the RD retranslation is quite poggers however

*while DS is the definitive version, I also have experience with the SNES version

*this is 10/10 in my heart, i just want to have a clear-cut top 10 games

learn to embrace and love the cringe y'all, cause behind it is something incredible. perfect? no. incredible? yes.

it takes something special to make you persevere through the most inane gameplay and design flaws (to clarify: i don't mean the combat, i mean the menuing, merc missions and field skills) and feel like you came out on top, and this game is really it. sure, there are tons of little things i would have loved to see fixed, and maybe if they were, people would not feel so encouraged to sh*t on this experience... but the fact that this game put itself out there as it is, and was already so good, and so widely accepted, and so much better than the first Xenoblade (dead serious.)... it is something worth celebrating

infuriating for a completionist, fascinating otherwise. unfortunately i'm a completionist

better than the first game, music fucking bops, however, they still mishandled a bunch of characters and requirements for true ending are way too fucking obtuse

(rating TBA) music is really nice so far, i think i'll enjoy this because i don't give a shit about the story or cast here and just want to chill out with a pretty game
UPD: never fucking mind this is not fun

Man, I miss Hades...

(If you're reading this and considering spending time with the game: don't bother; Hades does everything this game does, but better. Missing out on some pixel art is not the end of the world)

the fact that this exists is kinda sick, but the artstyle is off-putting, and the (possible? i only played like 15 games) emphasis on offstage play, among a myriad of other things that feel just off enough to be frustrating, make this a middle-of-the-road plat fighter


there was promise in there and i think if i were 14 i would love the shit out of this
wish it was more accessible wrt the endings though

this should have been a book. a good book. [not sure if 6 or 7/10]