Lost the juking element of classic doom combat but replaced it with a damn fun core gameplay loop and a surprisingly cohesive atmosphere

Direct 3d translation of the CRPG, jank included, but that adds to it if anything

Why they went for the maximalist angle on the arcade gameplay is beyond me, when it works it WORKS but sometimes it just feels like you're following an if this than that script playing this because of how deadset the enemy counters are. A reliance on tutorials to explain this also feels off.

Somewhat misguided tactical shooting design but pretty fun

Last game with good graphics to NOT use TAA

Not a bad dungeon crawler most of the time, on survival mode it approaches a good first person translation of some of classic fallout's combat progression. Still gets a bit too relaxed at times with what kind of equipment you get and the world design is underwhelming and not tonally consistent with the combat.

Fun strategy game to waste time on

It's complicated, this game has some spectacular fights and inspired areas in a couple spots but it expects A LOT from you to get there. Pretty large dip in overall responsiveness and environmental quality from the first game.

The most god level hype combat ever put in a game, also the shortest and most linear souls game but I'll be damned if that didn't add to it

Only strategy game with incest included

I thought this game was randomly generated like daggerfall but no, they actually wrote these quests and thought they were fine

ARMA is only fun because you can get into large fights, this loses all of that

Only TES game with good combat or something resembling production value for its setpieces but they don't feel particularly creative, not to mention being an MMO drags down the questing a lot

Damn fun combat that keeps on getting more interesting set against the best dystopian setting ever