If it's already this peak, this game is going to be a serious contender for the greatest JRPG of all time when it's finished

Ok, this one needed some time to sit. This is quite possibly the saddest and most terrifying game I've ever played. Holy fuck. How did they do that. On my letterboxd account, I'll joke about a "Stanley-Kubrick-ass movie" whenever something in a film is vague and symbolic, but this GAME actually managed to live up to what it was hinting at to deliver peak space horror.

I think this is a masterpiece? I'm really not sure, it's extremely cryptic but delivers some insane emotional highs, I'll be able to better assess this one after reading some literature and replaying it. Also unbelievably solid survival horror gameplay alongside the unbelievably fantastic story and atmosphere.

Replaying on violent and now with layer 7, this is starting to slide from "phenomenally fun experience" to maybe being the best shooter of all time? Really all they need to do is nail the last 2 layers and maybe add a deathmatch mode and I'd easily put it ahead of wolfenstein TNO or doom 2 because holy cow everything here works perfectly.

The epilogue's good, solid replacement for the standard RPG end-slides and provides a fix for the sole part of the game I felt was lacking. Still easily the best RPG of all time and I really doubt any title's gonna stack up to it for a couple decades at least.

Haven't quite replayed everything on 2.0 but it's pretty clear that they fixed the combat and loot design, which were my sole complaints with the original release. I can now pretty confidently say Cyberpunk 2077 is the greatest traditional open world (as in, quest markers and checklists) game ever made, the story is still as fantastic as ever, and it has some of the most immersive character building and combat systems ever.

Also anyone playing for the first time should 200% watch edgerunners before this as that + this game probably makes one of the most thematically coherent and immersive narratives ever.

Nailed it, adds the third-way ending to the base game that I really wanted to see, fixes the combat, and delivers an absolutely crazy story (albeit, still not as choice filled as I like in an RPG)

Most of csgo's dumb shit is fixed (terrible memorization based recoil tracking, wacky hitreg, visibility) so I'd say it's a damn solid shooter now aside from the absurd skin prices

Now that I've had a little more time to think about it, I definitely consider this one of the all-time great rpgs. It's so lengthy that you end up taking it for granted by the end how thoroughly this game respects player choices and how detailed the quests are compared to the average game, not to mention that this game probably has the best turn-based combat ever.

Yeah it's just kinda OK. Still hate real-time with pause combat so that's doing it no favors here, they attempted to improve the system relative to BG by having timers show for rounds but that still doesn't get around the general clunkiness of it, but they also doubled down on the worst parts of it by having yet more hard to target and track abilities and the fights take FOREVER.
I can't make any huge comments on the story since I only got through act 1 and a bit of act 2, but it's alright. They managed to make the whole evil empire and factions system work well and not make good choices abundantly obvious, but the dialogue is still a little to game-y at times due to that system.
Overall, I'm gonna drop this one for now, but it'll probably be worth it to you if you like real-time with pause combat.

Arkham Asylum feels like the tech demo for this game. The Hyrule Field-esque mini open world design works perfectly here and the collectables actually felt a little more worth collecting, not to mention the vastly improved movement and arsenal. Unfortunately it still suffers in the story department, the first 2 thirds of this game are absolute peak Batman, but that last chunk has some pretty spotty voice acting and the ending (aside from THAT part that's been spoiled everywhere by now) is appallingly predictable and happens way too fast.

I just love this DLC, no way around it, provides a challenge unlike any other part of the game and some genuinely terrifying atmosphere

some really long filler content, fairly uninteresting plot and some really dull enemies and dungeons