Awkward controls made manageable by simple levels, pretty fun

Most absolutely brutal sadistic shit I've ever played I love it

What a fucking disappointment, dull world/quests spread out across a game map with little direction for the player to do anything. Glad we got a real Fallout 3 pretty soon after.

Real enjoyable survival shooter but definitely misses a lot of the tension and atmosphere from RE7 around the midgame

What the hell you asking me for, you know damn well it's amazing

This is the best level I've ever played in any game with the exception of maybe Celestial Resort


Surprisingly dull considering this was the same crew that made Doom, a lot of the enemies in this game feel spongy and poorly telegraphed and the weapon arsenal is not very effective

Wears the outfit of a game that's really choice-filled and thoughtful but the writing doesn't stick the landing as much as it should.

Lacks a lot of that punch that made dooms combat great but gets pretty close

It's Super Metroid dude, if you haven't played this by now, what are you doing?

Never thought we'd see a game like this but here we are

The whole point of this game was to make a statement against how lax JRPG's have gotten with gameplay-narrative choice despite it being really easy to integrate well and enhance the narrative with (which Undertale does admirably), but instead seems like this just ended up inspiring a wave of "meta" games

Grandiose, thoughtful, and immaculate piece here, can't wait to see what Josh Sawyer pulls off next

Extremely inspired levels and some perfect character maneuvering mechanics (albeit lacks some truly HARD levels that a perfect platformer needs)