They legit were watching egoraptor religously before making this, like they went out of the way to address every criticism in that dumbass video on Ocarina of Time and they NAILED IT

Suffering, but in a good way :)

One of the most inventive settings and stories in sci-fi history is consistently undermined from some knock-off bethesda tier combat and open world design that leaves everything feeling a little hollow. No reason for the story they're telling here to be interactive and there's a whole netflix series out there to prove it. The rating is high here because I really do believe the story it THAT good if you're willing to sit through the gameplay.

This story is UNBELIEVABLE for 1994

Real fun, not much else to say tbh

Super campy and contrived story where noone actually dies despite acting like it, but that somehow works to its advantage, while also having some super interesting enemy encounters

Actually taking cover in real life hits DIFFERENT

Extremely fun core gameplay loop but that's all you're getting cause this game is 99% randomly generated

Does a great job grounding survival horror to its slasher film roots while keeping some outrageous stuff for the end-game

You don't need to have a million different cooldowns to have engaging and thoughtful single player arena fps combat

Everything that sucks about first person stealth in one title

I can't believe they perfected the genre this early on, enemy and weapon design synergized in unspeakably good ways and the key hunt maze level design is addicting. Not to mention this game's status as the sole mainstream open-source title giving it infinite modability

There is something MAGICAL in this setting and there's so many aspects that scream perfection, but they really dropped the ball on the gameplay I just couldn't get into it. All the unfortunate elements of grind from the rest of the souls series are amplified 10x, brutal boss runs, the STUPID healing item grind, unforgiving secrets, confusing upgrades, long loading screens (you can't rest at bonfires and they STILL expect you to do respawn enemy grinding). It just completely falls apart upon actually playing it. But I LOVE this setting, don't get that wrong, day 1 when this is emulatable or ported to PC I'll be first in line to make a mod that un-fucks this gameplay.

Same story that made TNO great keeps going but pushes the combat a little too far at points