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6 mins ago

Conger_Conger finished Warhammer: Chaosbane
A fairly entertaining ARPG if you can get it during a sale, which happens often these days. I got my copy with a 90% discount.
The gameplay is very competent albeit limited. Each character has only a couple of builds you really want to go for and they aren't varied at all.
For my playthrough I chose the dwarf slayer because that's what's on the box and he's fun with the industry standard spin to win and shouting barbarian skill plus the ranged basic attack. However, I don't see myself grinding high rarity gear or anything because red items are pretty much the same with bigger numbers. Increasing the difficulty helps with the monotony, but you can only raise it so much before beating the final act so this is a temporary fix at best.
The presentation is equally mixed as I found most environments, character models and animations to be quite good looking, but the game also suffers from some of the worst sound design I've ever experienced. A lot of sound effects are nauseating and your character barks at you constantly when they are either out of energy or a cooldown is still up despite the fact that there is a dedicated sound for these as well. I ended up playing the game with no voices because it was annoying me so much.
The story is nothing to write home about and doesn't do a great job at introducing the setting to new players. The player character is a demigod who can cleave through chaos legions like a hot knife through butter and by the end of the first act you have already accomplished feats worthy of legend for the setting. This makes for fun, fast paced gameplay but not exactly the best worlbuilding.
To conclude, I don't think Chaosbane is a bad game but I'm not sure who I could recommend it to. Perhaps you need to get it on sale and be in a state of mind where you don't want to think for about 10 hours, then you should get it like I did.

8 hrs ago

maradona completed Rage Racer
Sure, do an edgy Ridge Racer. Add blood, add realistic accidents, add a killcam, do whatever you want... just don't take away the tropical stages in favor of boring grey city landscapes...

8 hrs ago

NeelL completed Omori

9 hrs ago

sondi reviewed Alpha Protocol
you ever play a game and understand exactly what everyone was saying about it?

11 hrs ago

maradona is now playing Rage Racer

11 hrs ago

sondi reviewed Tomb Raider

This review contains spoilers

Looking back on this, I don't know why we thought this was ever a "realistic" reboot of Tomb Raider. She kills thousands, there's samurai and soul magic going on. I really like the camera sway. It adds to the uncertainty of the island a bunch. I hopped back in on a save I started way back in 2016 I think. I was already halfway through it apparently, and I remember dropping it because there was so much side stuff, and this was back when I was a completionist. Now that I actively avoid things in games I find tedious, it was a fun ass experience.

I like the mind numbing gameplay loop of parkouring through a ninja warrior course falling apart as you do it, then shooting a bunch of dudes. It's relaxing. I don't really care for the story because now I know (and I guess even back then) that there would be another game that would be when "Lara truly becomes the Tomb Raider" (please tell me this doesn't become a reoccurring thing with the reboot trio). It's a fresh start and that's okay. It was fine, almost more than fine at some points.

11 hrs ago

sondi finished Panic Restaurant
That Ice Level was kinda cheese, dude. I really like that the coins you get you can use on a slot machine for extra lives and health in between stages. I finished this game in one sitting because of it. Got mad lucky on the first stage and got like 6 1ups. Then anytime I was about to die going into a stage, I got it all back and then some. Pretty chill game. Idontknowman

11 hrs ago

11 hrs ago

12 hrs ago

12 hrs ago

maradona commented on BrenoMancini's review of Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman
Analise interessante! Algo que eu acho peculiar no sentido narrativo do jogo é a presença do "Hustle Time", o power up com dirieito a própria musica tema vinda de uma montagem de desenho onde o protagonista simplesmente derrota tudo e todos. Durante tal, a única mudança externa além de sua velocidade aumentada, é que sua espada aumenta de tamanho, enquanto a arma se mantém intacta.

Zan, simplesmente desmerece toda a aparencia refinada e põe o estrago que ela pode causar como objeto de destaque, onde ela tem de ser maior, melhor e mais forte, como se o que o tornasse um auto declarado samurai mais "ultra sexy" fosse o tamanho de sua espada, similar a uma competição velho oeste onde quem possuia o maior ferro era mais perigoso. Ele não precisa provar a ninguém que é um verdadeiro caubói trazendo uma arma maior, por ele é seguro de que é tal, mas sente a necessidade de tal em relação a seu lado oriental.

14 hrs ago

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