242 Reviews liked by cosmic_lol_

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can you believe there was a scene in this game where a character straight up does a title drop and nobody in discord called them out for it because we respected the cutscene's tone and moment too much. no other game would such a thing have been allowed to slide.

this game popped off so hard its insane. the story is far more emotionally focused on layton than the past two titles and really just held nothing back this time around. flora got screentime, the professor got depression, and I'm pretty sure thousands of london-ers are dead, so really it was a win for everyone. (I don't mean that I just think the fact that clive straight up busted out a metal gear is incredibly funny)

plot aside a lot of the puzzles this time around just felt better as well. the briefcase minigames are genuinely challenging and had me stumped a lot more than the story's main queue of puzzles. this is also the game where you realize that professor layton is a steampunk series what with its imaging of future london. I really enjoyed everything this title had to offer. people say this is the peak of the series and it certainly feels that way.

8 year old me didn't fuck around when it came to those minigames and then proceeded to bawl her little eyes out at the ending. 23 year old me is now worse at video games but still cries at this game. that's character development

Why did they do that to Beasly?

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We’ve finally made it! After discovering the golden apple and reuniting a girl with her grandfather we finally make it to this game. I remember I used to ask my mum for help with every puzzle and if she couldn’t help me I would just try every answer until I got it right (the math puzzles were a pain). But finally after all those years I’ve finally finished it. And is it a masterpiece? It’s more than that…way more.

The story starts off with the professor and his apprentice going into the ‘future’ after receiving a letter from ‘future’ Luke. I don’t want to go to in depth on the story, cause I’m going to assume you’ve played the game (also I was writing the review for this game and my phone crashed and it deleted so I don’t wanna rewrite it all over again so sorry if this seems really brief).

The puzzles in this game are surprisingly really good but I can understand why others might not like them much. You can go from one really challenging puzzle to a really easy one. I quite like this but I can’t understand why others might not and it’s slight inconsistency.

The game ends with Layton’s love, Claire, still being alive but being forced to go back to the past and die for good…and that final scene breaks me. It’s the fact that the professor, someone who has kept it together through the past 2 games when things have been tough…has finally lost it…it almost shows that desperation and depression. The one calm person has finally lost it and you can’t help but feel unnerved by it.

Sorry, I’m tearing up thinking about it.

Overall, this is not only one of the best games in the series, it’s one of the best puzzle games in general.
Curious village started a phenomenon
Diabolical box improved it in every single way
Unwound future knocked it out of the ball park

One of the best stories I’ve come across, the best written characters in the entire series, some great music, they almost killed my man beasly

What a masterpiece

The only videogame to make me cry (unless you count when the girls on my bus made fun of me for playing the DS Bakugan game)

I genuinely cant imagine a better remake for ttyd, from the tiniest of QOL changes like the partner wheel to all the knew graphics, character faces, and remastered sound track. i still have my orginal ttyd disc from when i was a kid, and i feel like a kid again. I know the game is a bit slower, but to be honest unless your a brain rotted ipad kid who cant sit still for 5 seconds it really doesn't matter. Hopefully the (so far) amazing reviews and feedback will keep paper mario afloat for future games, and praying we just go back to normal turned based combat (looking at you origami king)

Heartbreaking: The Most Agitating and Insistent Circlejerk You've Ever Seen Was Entirely Justified

So... cool funny fact! Including the ones from the extra levels, there are 100 different sun-stone collectables across all the stages, and you can in fact get all of them on your first go through each stage and before reaching the final fight, which it's exactly what I did. And after collecting the last one, it turns out the reward a keychain… of the final boss. I did know who the final enemy was before playing the game, but like… it never makes an appearance before the very last level, so those who decided to get everything before finishing the game, their reward was a spoiler, which I don’t know if I find it awful or fucking hilarious.

Taking into account hoy much I adore this pink ball of destruction and entropy, it’s surprising how I haven’t actually beaten a large number of his catalogue, and it’s doubly surprising how, despite loving Plantet Robobot and Return to Dreamland as much as I do, I didn’t even try any of the other two modern Kirby 2D platformers. Looking back, it was clearly a mistake, since many of the things that Triple Deluxe does would have impacted me way more if I played it before the absolute juggernaut that is Robobot and maybe I would be less severe with it in certain aspects, but at the same time, as good as this game can sometimes be, Triple Deluxe doesn’t nail things in the same way its predecessor did, so its problems can’t be summarized by simply saying ‘’is just a worse Planet Robobot’’, ‘cause just that eclipsis both its negative and positive aspects as well.

Triple Deluxe was very much designed for the system is on, and I don’t say that just because of its admittedly cheeky name; while the gyroscope controlled sections and the change and interactions between the background and foreground could be pulled off in any other console, it’s clear that this implementations where made with ‘’let’s showcase what this bad boy of a handheld can do’’ mindset, and yet, for things that could have ended up as mere distracting gimmicks, I don’t know man, I actually really enjoyed how these expand upon the original gameplay. The game does extremely neat things with this basis; all of the mirror sections are honestly fantastically designed and by far the best parts of the game (tho I wished there were more), the gyroscope on old stage hazards like the cannons put a really interesting spin on things and open up a ton of possibilities for puzzles and secrets, and the mere act of jumping between perspectives is always satisfying and never confusing. Plus, this might be the first game in the entirety od 3DS catalogue where I actually needed to put the 3D on, which depending on who you are may be a positive or a negative, and I’m someone that thinks the former; it’s implemented in an awesome way in boss fights and truly shows how 3D can enhance the moment to moment action, even if is just really solving a problem that itself created, it’s super satisfying to feel like there’s actual depth and dodging attacks that actually feel like they come out of the screen. Kinda funny it’s Kirby of all series that pulls this off the best, but oh well. It also holds up pretty well visually; I still defend that its successor it’s one of the best looking games in the entirety of the console’s library, but Triple Deluxe, even almost 10 years later (Jesus fucking H. Christ I’m withering alive…) has managed to stand tall as a visual spectacle; the colors, intertwined with the nature aesthetic that keeps changing across the entire game and the fantastic animations in the mini and normal bosses, make a 240p game look outright gorgeous. Oh, and before I forget, people always tend to praise Kirby’s OST, however, I’ve never seen many kind words towards TD’s soundtrack, which after playing the game kinda surprises me considering IT FUCKING SLAPS, sadly it does re-use a ton of Return to Dreamland’s songs, and I say sadly because every single level and boss theme is like silk. You’ve heard Masked Dedede theme. I don’t have to tell you how hard it goes, everyone knows it, and for good reason.

The game feels like it’s PROUD to be a part of the system its on, trying to be a kind of technical demo on steroids, and truly uses everything new it can to it fulles potential, and yeah, if Triple Deluxe is something, is sure is a fantastic showing of what the 3DS can do for 2D platformers. But that’s the thing, sometimes it feels like that’s everything it is: a game to go ‘’Wow, cool!’’ from time to time, and it seemingly forgot to try to craft the same sound and fun core that made up the games that came before and after it. Don’t get me wrong, as I said, Triple Deluxe it’s good, it’s fun, and it’s very much competent, it has a ton of interesting puzzles, the boss fights are varied and fun even if they are on the slower side this time around, and most of the new power-ups are great additions to the roster, specially Beetle and Circus (or as I call it and always will be in my heart, CLOWN), and all of that is nice yeah but… it’s what I expected from a Kirby sequel. Nothing really blew me away, it was consistently fun yeah, but not as fun, not as impressive. There’s a ton more stuff going on in the levels than ever before, but it doesn’t feel like it, even if it’s adorable to see Waddle Dee’s chopping trees in the background, the levels themselves are very ‘’by the numbers’’, and I don’t mean that it’s too simple, that’s how Kirby games are and I love them for it, but this is not that, it's not that it’s simple in its design, it’s that it’s simplistic on its layout; they follow the same beats and the same conventions that Return did while not being as fun or thrilling as that game was, and that makes Triple Deluxe feel like an overall lesser game. Hell, you could say it’s simplistic even on its story, Kirby was never strong on the moment to moment narrative, yeah, but here is basically nonexistent until the very end! And the Hypernova… oh how good could it have been… look, I’m not gonna act like the Super Abilities from Return were the best thing ever, ‘cause they weren’t, they were a small power fantasy that made one thing and one thing only, but at least: 1. They ended with unlocking a secret more challenging part of the level, 2. Their sections where still pretty interestingly designed and felt fun and organic, and 3. They were indeed optional. Hypernova throws ALL this out the window, sure, the sections when you have to use it can be fun and have great animations, specially the mini-bosses, but what ruins the re-playability it’s how you ALWAYS have to be Hypernova when you reach a certain moment of the game, the levels from that point onward are designed around the Hypernova, and they just result in the end of the level itself. As such, Hypernova doesn’t feel as much of a power-up as it is just a game saying ‘’NO! We gotta do the cool thing I want to do NOW!’’ and maybe that’s what they wanted to do, making cool sections to add variety in, but it just doesn’t translate into the levels that well, and I’m ever so glad that for the nex game, they designed the Robobot around what this type of mechanics should be, an expansion of you arsenal and a great utility instead of some glorified cutscenes and simplistic levels.

Maybe is wrong of me to be this harsh at Triple Deluxe, on their first go on this new system they laid down a ton of the basis that made what would end up coming after so incredible, and the game does manage to accomplish what it initially wanted to do, but that just doesn’t justify its shortcomings. I’ve seen this series do better, and this series would go on to even better, and so Triple Deluxe exists in this weird limbo, sandwiched between two games better than it, while still managing to be a pretty damn good snack on its own. It is fun, it is inventive, but it’s not exceptional…


Note to self: Don't play Animal Well at Jerry Garcia's

awesome game, I love the way case 4 completely interconnects most things in the game

finding out how Phoenix lost his attorney badge was great

just felt that some things weren't concluded/addressed enough at the end

anyways, Klavier Gavin da 🐐

i'm being hauled away by two security enforcers, am hollering at the top of my lungs APOLLO IS STILL ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING AND COMPELLING CHARACTERS IN THE ENTIRE AA SERIES AND CAPCOM SABOTAGED THE LAST CASE OF HIS GAME TO MAKE ROOM FOR BRAND RECOGNITION IN PHOENIX is choked and does not wake up for several hours

This was on sale on Steam at like 60% off, and I hadn't bought anything else this sale and I was like "fuck it, I'm eating popcorn for breakfast, it's not like I have any dignity left to preserve, might as well buy the vocaloid rhytm game"

Anyhow I hate this trend of porting rhythm games from arcades by just dumping a bunch of songs on console and calling it a day. Let me go through a bare-bone "story mode" to unlock the song, please! Give my existence on this earth at least a semblance of meaning. I had the same problem with Voez, which is a game that I otherwise love, but I just lose interest in playing, without the game telling me which song should I play and when. Theathrytm is truly the only one that Gets It.

I'm s also not the biggest fan of how each song is structured to have a single huge difficulty spike near the end. Like, the first 2-3 minutes of each song kinda feel like a Dark Souls boss-run. It's kinda nerve-wrecking when you're trying to get perfect combos to have to wait so long before being able to re-try the Actually Difficult bit.

Aside from that, this is perfectly fine at doing what it's meant to do. It's bright and colourful and the music videos have some fun choreographies. Most of the music is a bit too quirky for me, but there's a couple of tracks even I can't help but appreciate.

Layton and luke do hallucinogens for most the game

the writers should let layton have a gun all the time. it's ok, he's earned it, and because of that it's time to give him the right to bear arms