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Approaching a review of this game is difficult because of how complex of a topic it is. It is by far the game I have played the most. Despite my criticisms of the game I have to admit that it's addicting. The wide cast of characters, skill expression, runes, items, and team comps allow for unmatched replayability.

However, the players are an entirely different level of toxic. Losing in this game along with toxic enemies and teammates flaming you is among the worst feelings possible to have while playing a game. It can be downright infuriating. The biggest problem here is riot itself. They aren't good about addressing toxicity, smurf accounts, and balancing. Emphasis on the balancing. The game is balanced around pro-play which makes up less than 1% of the playerbase.

The monetization here is disgusting, and this is coming from someone who has sunk way too much money in the game. While being completely free to play, the skins on demand here are way too overpriced. The best example of overpriced skins have to be the recent skin variants that can only be obtained through gambling capsules and can cost upwards of like 200-300 dollars.

By far the biggest flaw of the game is how it handles tutorials. Good luck getting into league without the help of friends or multiple hours of research because the tutorial system on offer here is laughable. It's a miracle that player count continues to rise with how poorly explained so many mechanics and systems are. The game is complex enough as is, but the lack of in depth lessons is baffling.

So despite how much time I have spent playing this, I can't recommend it. Despite how addicting and fun it can be at times, the game has some serious issues. If you're not already into it, maybe just stay away.

A solid start to what has quickly become one of my favorite game series. The music, environments, and gameplay are all charming even despite the rough edges. The gameplay loop is immensely addicting but with some bumps in the forms of frustrating mechanics and iffy controls. While the limited number of pikmin varieties and mechanics make the puzzle solutions obvious, the punishing nature of combat and screwups are a welcome surprise for a nintendo game. Fantastically addicting and a solid difficulty for "combat" make this a solid pickup, just wish it lacked some of the minor annoyances and had more puzzle variety.

Persona 3 is a timeless masterpiece. I have played the original, FES, and portable all the way through at least once per version and with each playthrough grown an even greater appreciation for the story and characters.

While Reload is the best way to experiencer the game from a modern perspective, I regrettably think that Persona 3 still lacks a definitive experience. Gameplay wise this is P3 at it's absolute best, although too easy for my tastes. The story remains intact with additional "link episodes" that give further insight into the party members. I think the fact that the story needed no modernization is a testament to how solid the writing was of the original. Musically however, I think that the game could have done better. The new arrangements of old songs are vastly inferior in my opinion, but luckily the soundtrack is carried by new tracks that are fantastic.

My biggest critique though is the leftout features. P3R had the chance to be the absolute BEST way to play the story on offer of P3 but the lack of The Answer Epilogue and Female Protagonist routes seems like real oversights, especially at the 70 dollar price tag.

Despite my nitpicks and issues, this is truly a fantastic remake, one that deserves every ounce of praise it gets. 100% reccomend for new and returning players alike.