Not a bad game, but also not a great one. It has its charm, but there are much better Mario Kart games.

It's...well, is indeed Mario Kart. I just wouldn't really call it Super.

This game is incredible. This game is art. It is literally peak. Characters? Superbly-written. Sprite art? Beautiful for an SNES game, ignoring the goofy portraits. Music? Don't even get me STARTED. Gameplay? Ehhhh. Espers are cool, and it has the traditional feel of a Final Fantasy game, at least compared to the ones I've played, but it doesn't add that much to the experience. The gameplay is enough to warrant a loss of 1 star...But luckily, this game is a 7/5, so it doesn't take that hard of a hit.

also, thanks to HeroOfTim for recommending this you actual legend

Uhhh, I'll be honest, I have no idea why I played this, but I'm glad I did. Something about this game has unique charm in a way that parallels Super Mario Land. However, Sonic's jump into the handheld universe was a much better controlling one. The blue blur controls so well here, it feels just like the original. The difficulty curve is very strange, as the majority of the game is quite easy, except for the last zone, which spikes significantly in difficulty. And it's impossible not to talk about the music; it sounds pretty great, and the Labyrinth Zone theme slaps, no questions asked. All in all, this is a fun little game to pick up and play. It has its flaws, like the screen crunch, but it's charming and has a great soundtrack. Plus, it doesn't have Marble Zone, so, score.

I play Johnny Cage because he looks a little bit like Jerma and I think that's funny


Yeah, I'll say it. I really like this game. I know it has many flaws, but this game is really close to me on an emotional level and I can't explain why. To many others, this game is a janky, failed attempt to put Mario on a handheld. But to me, it's cute, short game overflowing with personality. Also, the music. The music is amazing. The ending theme could actually make me cry depending on the day.

but dear god...those eyes...

Trust me, I love Cuphead bosses, but I felt the DLC bosses were designed a little bit differently than the ones in the original game. But it's 4/5 still because the Bootlegger Boogie and Doggone Dogfight(THE GOAT) songs give me life. I'll beat it someday.

Fun gameplay, probably the best in the genre. Has a little something for all types of players. Overall, pretty awesome.
also moke

It has its merits, like the music is pretty great, and there's nothing wrong with the graphics. But the flaws are way too significant to ignore. Cryptic as hell. I have no idea how someone would be able to beat this without a guide back in '87. Also, the bosses are pushovers.

The most badass thing you can get out of a cereal box.

Don't play the Game Boy port, even if just out of curiosity. Hitboxes are jank, every input basically has a full second of delay, and the special moves genuinely work like 30% of the time. So, uh, yeah. Don't.

Mostly at the same level as the original DOOM, but I do have to take away some points for E4. It's not bad, but the pacing is wonky and it's overall less solid than the first three episodes.