My favourite game of all time. The combat is beautiful, the lore is tragic but beautiful, the atmosphere is so daunting yet amazing. The final boss of the game is my favourite video game boss fight to ever exist. Please try this game out, it’s a must play in your life

Absolutely amazing. The world is stunning, the combat is challenging yet fun once you ge true hang of it, the soundtrack is beautiful and most importantly the last boss is something special. Thank you ELDEN RING OHHHHHH ELDEN RING

A heartwarming father and son story which really sets the hype for the next game and is an excellent storyteller with beautiful cinemática. Only problem is the repetitive bosses but otherwise very awesome

Such a good atmosphere with a tragic story and an experience I will never forget in my lifetime. The bosses and soundtracks are also just pure bliss and so much beauty.

I love spider man and this game is basically the perfect story with really good gameplay (sometimes feels stiff but that’s alright) the representation of peter doing what’s right is just perfecfion

A very fun game with a really good story, entertaining as hell and just an iconic piece of media that will live on for generations.

Fun at first but then you realise how basic it really is. This is a perfect explanation for it - “Skyrim is as wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle”

A worthy follow up with lots of new gameplay improvements and nice short story.


One of my most memorable gaming experiences. Such a blast just destroying demons as the DOOM slayer with the loud ass heavy metal music which is just so so so so so much fun

A great Star Wars story that is very entertaining with great gameplay. Cal jest is is awesome and that order 66 scene is so good yet so tragic. Only annoying part are the puzzles and zeffo but that’s it.

Amazing combat, beautiful graphics and a beautiful story. Getting the platinum by completing the end of the story was so satisfying. The design feels pretty generic though if im gonna be completely honest

An absolute classic that is a must play for everyone. This piece of art will stand the test of time, yes the gameplay isn’t the best and some bosses have bland osts and are pretty unbalanced but wow this game will forever remain in my heart as an iconic masterpiece. Thank you dark souls

Wow! This story is so amazing, the puzzles are unique, the story yet again is just so so so so so good and the gameplay is amazing. Everything about this game is beautiful

Very fun and an all time classic, still havent beat the ender dragon yet but im planning to redownload it soon and finally beat it once and for all.

A great follow up with new gameplay aspects but much less scary imo and man this gets hella frustrating. You’ll need quick reaction times as well for the withered animatronics. Overall another fnaf banger