13 reviews liked by darksoulsyaoi

while calling this marvel card tactics persona might seem derivative, that's almost exactly what it is and if you dont like any of those four words, it's simply just not gonna be as fun for you. and while this game has stellar combat, the story can be a bit of a slog and while the dialogue can be charming it can also be extremely grating at times. that said, this is still a stellar tactics game and something id recommend to fans of the genre

i drilled the heavens or sum like that

pretty fun when you don't have redditors in your ear telling you its nasty

wahh wahh im bruce wayne my parents are dead wahhh wahh im arguably just as insane as my enemies and me being trapt in an asylum is thematic of my own personal journey wahhhh boo hoo shut up nerd



i beat this game twice without dying once

extremely hard to take seriously, but come of the concepts in the game were cool! such a shame i couldn’t take any of it seriously lol. i had a good time at least.

had to beef with the mods just to get this game added, but we did it. Fetish Fighters is officially listed as being a video game that exists, and it sucks!

thematically the mess to the point where i can’t tell if it’s criticizing war and soldiers or glorifying it. it feels like they’re trying to do something with this franchise, but nobody knows how to write a good script so it always just lands flat. at least the gameplay is fun and playing with another person makes it way more tolerable. on par with gears 2 tbh.