This is actually very enjoyable.

Although it has some bugs, it is just awesome to be able to destroy most things in the game with a Falcon Punch and fly through the stages with a Falcon Kick. This hack is a must for the people that love Super Mario 64 and want a new playthrough with a funny twist. One of the best "character mods" for the game.

This remake is actually pretty good. The higher frame rate and the improved graphics would make it the definitive version of the game (if it were actually finished and without the bugs). For an unfinished game, it is very polished and has some interesting quality of life improvements.
From now on, it is my version of choice for this game.
It is a shame Microsoft didn't want to support its release.

The Japanese version is way too hard for me. The points are for the looks and the awesome soundtrack.

This game has an awesome premise and it plays very well, but it is sadly too hard because of the random enemy patterns. The artwork and the music are great, though. I would like to see Takamaru in a new main game.

Smash Remix is full of options and new features, making the old Smash Bros. feel fresh again. There are a lot of well-designed stages, the new characters control well (although they feel unbalanced, Giga Bowser, for example). The remixes are good to hear in the Smash soundfont and it all feels very polished, like if Nintendo themselves made it.
I'm looking forward for what the developers bring in the future releases.

It is way better than we think it would be. It is a really well-made mod, with the egg mechanics and all. It is amazing how they could do it with the Sonic 2 engine.
It could be, of course, more polished, it has some strange bugs that occur sometimes, but it's even expected with this kind of thing.
It surpasses expectations.

I used it once with my students, it was an awesome experience and very fun. It is the kind of thing that makes classes more comfortable.

Eu preciso escrever esse review pois sou uma das poucas pessoas na internet que liga para isso. Eu tive duas TVs que continham esse bundle integrado. Uma delas eu ainda tenho até hoje. E foi o que me salvou em uma época em que eu não tinha computador e o único videogame que eu tinha era um Nintendo 64 com apenas dois jogos (e sem dinheiro para comprar mais).
Os jogos que mais joguei foram LG Chess (um xadrez bem decente para a época, e ainda era possível jogar multiplayer passando o controle); Laser Man (basicamente Bomberman); Pocket Ball (Lunar Pool, ótimo jogo de bilhar); Block!! Block!! (Arkanoid) e Mobile Racing (Excitebike). A maioria desses jogos eu não conhecia na sua versão original e foi a minha introdução a esses clássicos. Boa parte dos outros jogos ou não me interessavam tanto ou eram praticamente injogáveis com um controle remoto de televisão, com apenas um comando simultâneo possível.
O fato de ser embutido na TV (que inclusive vinha com um controle diferente voltado para esses jogos, mas que não era nada demais) ajudava muito na praticidade de jogar, principalmente num tédio da tarde de um dia aleatório durante a semana, quando ninguém mais estava usando a TV. Devo ter gastado muitas horas chegando em níveis avançados de Laser Man. Basicamente aprendi as regras básicas do xadrez jogando LG Chess.
Embora a seleção de jogos seja interessante, a modificação gráfica deixou os jogos bem mais feios que os originais, com sprites menos inspirados, e com tons escuros. O maior caso disso é em Little Star. Além disso, em Car Racing é praticamente impossível de se vencer e os controles de Soccer não fazem muito sentido. Isso sem contar o lag na resposta dos jogos, que é bem grande (até porque estamos usando um controle infravermelho de TV).
Em suma, é uma parte interessante da tecnologia brasileira, e dos jogos piratas em si, que poucas pessoas conhecem ao redor do mundo e que é louco como a LG conseguiu fazer isso sem a Nintendo nem perceber. Mas aqui também tivemos um tocador de DVD da Britania que era um emulador e vinha com centenas de jogos de NES sem licença, então...

It's very cool to see a decent player doing well. But it's just unfair in its difficulty. Besides being a memorization game, it also employs many random features which make the experience feel unfair.

It looks good, though.

Ahh, the Chrome Dino is one of the best things about Google Chrome. It is not the most advanced game, of course, but it runs in anything that has a web browser, and is a good time waster for when you are without web coverage in your phone, for example. It could have, for example, a leaderboard of sorts from the Google Account your using or the platform running it, but it does what it has to do, and wasn't even necessary to exist.

First things first, I have to say that this game is an unofficial one, made by a single person and without any money coming from it, therefore, I want to take easy on it, but I can't. The visuals of the game are awesome, especially when we think about fan games. There is a lack of Mario fan games that take place in a 3D environment, and that is a major feature the developer achieved. That said, I must say that the music and the character design are also top notch.
Now, for the bad part. The game has problems with hit detection (2D characters with a 3D hitbox don't help it), bad enemy placement and AI, difficult jumps which get even harder because of perspective problems, platforms that move too fast and the game is very difficult overall. Also, even when playing on a very high end PC, the game chugs at parts, going below 30 FPS and, all of a sudden, it goes up to 60 FPS, which cause strangeness and may cause the player to miss a platform or to get attacked.
The game is also short, but has lengthy levels, having four worlds to take on.
That aside, the bosses are creative and the new power ups are nice, especially the "dandelion plant" one, which makes jumping so much fun.
Overall, it's a game that deserves to be played because of what it does as a fan game and its style, but has some flaws that will likely happen to disturb the playthrough.
Pros: visuals, sound, power ups, bosses, concept
Cons: performance issues, bad enemy placement, unfair difficulty, hit detection problems.

This review is going to be changed. 90 hours in and wish I could be only playing, no working or studying, the whole day.
It is effectively a better game than BotW, which is already one of the greatest games of all time.
I'm planning on finishing every shrine, dungeon, Lightroot, side adventure and side quest. Koroks I'd say never, I'm not that crazy.

I just played it, since the emulator became available. It is a very good game, I recommend it.