while not as on par with III, this game is still awesome, and while the difficulty does fall off, it still retains the charm and challenge of smt, which is very very welcomed.

while it doesn't really top the first one in my eyes, it does in many many respects. but this game really is special. it still does isolate you, and it executes its mechanics so brilliantly and effectively overall that it feels so seemless

played this on switch, not the greatest in the world. but everything else is amazing. i love the characters and story, and the messages are so close to home and it breaks my heart, but it does so because it's true. this game doesn't ever get old.

At first I thought this game was awesome. still do. incredible game, regardless of the flaws. the atmosphere and world that the game creates is just so mesmerizing and the amount of content present is just so pleasing.

as a kid this game was everything to me. it still is. it's so fun still discovering new tricks and tips on how to be better, and how to play better too. there's so much to love. 10/10.

so far, this game is wonderful. the combat isn't anything to write home about, but the characters, story, and emotions felt are overwhelming and powerful. incredible game.

The fun is infinite here at Mojang enterprises

An absolute roller coaster of a game. everything about it is perfect, with some stupid and stressful moments here and there, it pays off so well, and is so rewarding in the end.

This game kicked my ass but god damn i love it so much. always go back to this one

This game helped shape who I am today. Absolutely incredible.

what can i say that hasn't already been said? masterpiece.

despite all its flaws, this game is awesome. personal favorite of mine