Interesting ideas but horrible execution.
The creature's AI is horrible, artificial as fuck and extremely unfaif. the pace is one of the slowest I've ever seen even if you try to cut the taming time by half and double the resources gathered and the map design is SO BLAND.
Extremely disfunctional in almost every way possible.
The original creatures have cool designs ngl.

La mitad de las gemas del juego son básicamente relleno, las reliquias perfectas una pesadilla y el requisito de las reliquias contrarreloj para completar el juego al 106% aumentó pero el diseño de niveles es tan bueno y los controles tan cómodos que lo convierten probablemente en el mejor Crash hasta la fecha y uno plataformero que cualquier debería jugar.

Mientras que los controles y el diseño que pide prestar atención al escenario están bastante bien logrados, el ritmo es algo apresurado y el sistema de mejoras comprables se sintió similar al de un Clicker donde menos se vuelve más constantemente (al menos este tiene un final a diferencia de esos).

It's nice to know some people from around the world but that's it.

It started well but at the end It became a P2W.
Play the ECLISE mod if you want a proper PvZ 2.

You should probably just play it with some friends

"Look guys, look. It's one of my greatest achievements."

The best of the trilogy. Uniquely charming and cute but also sad or terrifying. Great level design giving the player a great amount of liberty to planify and also ways to be as much efficient as possible and making every enemy a challenge on its own. The Pikmin's AI can be questionable sometimes but It's understandable considering their animal nature, they're not supersoldiers or robots, they just help because of being weak as a team and seeing Olimar as their hope. This can be seen when, at the happy ending, they learn to fight for themselves.
While some people criticize the fact you can lose easily many pikmins, It has to be understood they'll probably die all the time and that there's no problem with them dying. It's just how they live despite being sad.
Not going to lie, there's some annoying glitches with the Pikmins dissapearing and that sort of stuff but most of the aspect people criticize aren't as obnoxious as they claim they are.

The Wii Version improves in small yet great aspects like the controls and some changes to the balance, but you can still get some a breat of fresh air playing one or the other.

while It's probably the best at using the Wii Remote capacities, It lost the unexpected feeling because of the advises before each micro game.

It isn't thaaat bad but kinda lame

More games should aspire to be like HITMAN and less like the The Last of Us.


It lack depth in many aspects and generally is very lame in terms of design or strategy.

At a mechanical level, Tetris is literally a perfect that can't be taken or added anything else without breaking its balance.