ONGOING 2024 drawingtoptarp Top/Bottom 10

2024 and I am starting the year strong with the will to play as many of my unplayed games as I can. I am excited to see how much I can get done this year and am interested which games make it onto this list. I'm making this list halfway through the year and will try to maintain and edit it throughout the rest of the year to see if that feels better for something like this. I'll consider this officially year 2 of my backlog journey.

1-10: Top 10 games I played this year with 1 being the best
11-20: Bottom 10 games I played this year with 20 being the worst
Note: Games do not need to have been released this year. They are just games I played this year.
Note: I am allowing these rankings to contradict the individual game ratings I gave. It is possible that a higher game on the list could have a lower rating than a lower ranked game.

Amazing platformer that came out of nowhere and was 100% completed in a little over an hour. I would definitely play a longer version of this.
Another remake that was great to revisit after it being modernized. Everything still holds up and is great fun.
Some of the most fun I’ve had in a multiplayer game in a while. You already know why this is here.
Finally got a 2D mario game that is unique after something like over 10 years. This was a ton of fun to play and 100% complete. I can definitely see myself coming back and playing this again.
Average Pokémon game. Boring after like 30 minutes and too much grinding needed to beat the champion.
Part of my Silksong cope. Clunky inventory and weird level designs made this game not have the staying power it needed in order for me to see it all the way through.
Very solid game inspired by Pikmin. Fun little game with a decent amount of content.
Although this game did nothing to make me feel better about the lack of HL3, this game was still a lot of fun to play and a great opportunity to give a serious attempt to playing an actual VR title. This game actually might have one of my longest reviews on here lol.
This might be solely responsible for getting me interested in RPGs again. The world was full of character and things to do. The story was great to follow and the final boss was an actual challenge.
Great remake to an already amazing game. Bonus content boring just like the remake of Superstar Saga, but a bit better. Bowser’s Inside Story is still top tier.
Boring game with clunky controls. Sadly overrated. Could not even finish the game.
I like the steampunk style, but the gameplay is just terrible. The level design makes it almost impossible to see where to go after a certain point. I’ve tried to finish this game several times over the years, but this is where I officially abandon this game.
A certified hood classic brought into the modern age. Had a lot of fun revisiting the story and world. The bonus content was kind of boring, but at least it’s there.
The idea seemed really cool but I could not get more than a few levels into the game before it would keep crashing.
Essentially everything a modern Kirby game should be. Great level design, satisfying controls, and lots of fun.
Super boring and felt like a complete waste of time. Had decent expectations for this, but I guess I deserve to be disappointed for expecting good things from a licensed game.
The puzzle system is unique from other games I’ve played, but the puzzles just get too difficult to be fun. I’m amazed that I managed to finish the main levels.
This game was way overhyped and I did not have fun for most of the playtime. Good music and pixel art, bat everything else.
I had a lot of problems with just about everything with this game except visuals and music. It’s actually insane that this game has such good reviews.


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