This game set the trend of taking the first New Super Mario Bros game, adding a couple new features then calling it a day. Very fun game but I believe it could've been so much more. The new power-ups added in this entry weren't bad but I much preferred the mega mushroom, mini mushroom and blue shell power-ups in the original. I found the most fun when playing multiplayer; the game offers multiple ways to play with friends including both co-op and versus modes which provide endless amounts of fun. Sadly the character roster really lacks creativity and originality since the only playable characters apart from Mario and Luigi are just Yellow Toad and Blue Toad. I really don't think anybody actually likes playing as Toad. I can't help but imagine how awesome it would be to see characters like Wario and Waluigi fill those spots, but literally anything would be better than just 2 hue shifts of Toad.

Basically just the first game but with an emphasis on coins for some reason. I never really liked the coin gimmick, there's a counter on the main screen for how many coins you've collected throughout the game but it takes away the entire value of coins when they're thrown at you from every direction. Enjoyable game but nothing special.

Amazing way to modernise the Super Mario Bros series and utilise the unique features the DS has to offer. I hold a lot of nostalgia for this game due to the incredibly fun and addictive levels and gameplay as well as the Mario Vs. Luigi multiplayer mode which I spent hours playing with friends on.

I feel like this game really set the standard for the future of 2D Mario games in terms of gameplay and the themes of each world. I found a lot of the enemies frustrating to defeat compared to other Mario games and the boss fights were repetitive and boring, but the final Bowser fight was awesome. Overall a great platforming experience and addictive Mario game, but in my opinion slightly overrated.

This game would be so much better if it wasn't a Saints Row title. It completely ruined the story of the series and, in my opinion, is the sole reason the series needed to be rebooted. But that aside, SR4 takes a Matrix-inspired story with aliens and superpowers to make a really fun game. While I do wish Saints Row took a different direction, I will never regret the countless hours I've spent on this game. There are a ton of references throughout the story to previous titles in the series for older fans to appreciate including missions literally set in the city of Stilwater from SR1 as well as rival gangs like The Ronin and Vice Kings also from the earlier titles.

But the best part about this game... JOHNNY GAT IS BACK!

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a mixed bag for me. I hate how there are no unlockable characters apart from Gold Mario, and I think the character roster absolutely sucks. Why on earth do Tanooki Mario, Cat Peach, Pink Gold Peach and Metal Mario all take up separate slots? I loved seeing more niche characters in previous Mario Kart titles like Wiggler, Petey Pirahna, Honey Queen, etc. but this game really lacks all that. I also think the anti-gravity gimmick for this title is just not game-changing enough to be the main gimmick for this entry, it's barely even noticeable in-game and I feel is only really there to make the maps look cooler.

However, I do love the soundtrack in this game and it has some of the best tracks and visual aesthetic throughout the whole series. The vehicle customisation is really good and I can spend hours playing multiplayer either online or with friends without getting bored.

The Booster Course Pass DLC has improved the game greatly for me by adding more niche and interesting characters to the roster as well as a vast variety of new tracks to play. Characters like Wiggler, Petey Pirahna, Funky Kong, etc. are what give the game so much more personality which is exactly what it was missing.

It's so cool to see a Mario Kart game that completely changes the way the game is played with new and unique concepts. I love this game's character roster and the special power-ups for each one. This title in the series is home to some of my favourite maps; DK Mountain, Mushroom Bridge and Wario Colosseum. It's also the birthplace of the iconic Baby Park. The only thing that lets this game down is the multiplayer where you can't have CPU racers while playing with friends, the closest you can get to it is co-op grand prix but sadly that's limited to only 2 players.

I enjoyed the story of Wario Land and how it connects to Super Mario Land 2. The gameplay was fun but it felt like the game has a slight identity crisis, trying to be its own thing while simultaneously holding on to the Super Mario Land name and format, which I think is proven by the shift in tone and gameplay in the following title. Overall a good game which stemmed my love for Wario as a character.

Super Mario Land 2 takes the first game and makes it better in every way. I love the world map and how Wario's castle is one of the first things you come across despite requiring all 6 golden coins to enter. The level design and boss variation was awesome and the bunny power up is still peak to this day.

Playing Super Mario Land in 2023 is such a breath of fresh air for 2D Mario. Love the unique level designs, especially the shoot em up levels, wish we got more of these in future 2D Mario titles. Only thing I wasn't a huge fan of was the lack of momentum when controlling Mario.

As someone who's been a Saints Row fan since 2014, I had hope for this game despite the marketing being pretty poor prior to release. However, this game just doesn't feel like a Saints Row game at all; the other Saints are boring, unlikeable and uninspired, the antagonists have absolutely no depth or personality to them except for maybe The Nahualli, and this is the first Saints Row game where I've genuinely disliked the boss that you play as in the game.

The only good thing about this game is the customisation, which has really peaked here compared to every other entry in the game. It's just a shame they couldn't put as much effort as they did in customisation into the other aspects of the game.

This is where Saints Row peaked. The city of Stilwater is so much fun to explore due to the diversity in characters and districts throughout the city, as well as easter eggs hidden all around the map. The story was a perfect blend of the more serious tone from the first game and the goofier tone of the later titles.

Saints Row 2 is also home to some of my favourite villains in gaming, including Jyunichi and Kazuo Akuji from The Ronin, Maero from The Brotherhood, and Dane Vogel from Ultor. Each rival gang has a strong and memorable boss fight, my favourite belonging to The Ronin.

Sadly, the PC port for this game is very unstable and prone to crashing a lot and even with mods designed to fix it, I'm unable to run the game which is a massive shame for me because the modding community for SR2 have made some really cool things I'd love to try out.

This game provides such an amazing and grounded Spider-Man story with lovable and well-written characters and villains. The gameplay is great; the web-swinging and combat are so much fun, the only thing that I didn't love about this game were the missions where you played as MJ, stealth missions without Spider-Man's powers felt pretty boring in contrast.

I've replayed this game countless times and every single time I've discovered something new. I fell in love with the concept of this game the first time I played it; the entire game is set inside Peach's castle where Mario jumps through paintings uncovering entirely new worlds holding up to 7 power stars. Each world is iconic and offers great platforming alongside an incredible soundtrack. As well as this, this game is home to some of my favourite Mario bosses like King Bob-Omb, the Whomp King, and the massive Wiggler.