838 Reviews liked by dwardman

this is just a feature-listy review of this specific port of Wizardry 1-3 for PS1. you should know what you're getting into when you play these games.

it's a solid, good port of the classic Wizardry trilogy. the original game mechanics are kept, no Wiz V ninja/thief ambushes here unlike the SNES port (though updates from later revisions are implemented). the dungeon balance has been tweaked slightly and an automap is available to make play more comfortable. Jun Suemi's now iconic enemy redesigns are also used here, and Kentaro Haneda has provided a new CD soundtrack (as in, completely new from his NES music) to help enhance the game. the 3D graphics are tasteful and work well, but not especially interesting. unfortunately there were some poor choices made in translating the interface from keyboard to controller, resulting in constant accidental choices as you get used to navigating the menus.

if you want a relatively pure Wizardry 1-3 experience without playing the PC originals, this is the best way to go about it in my opinion. if you're alright with some additional gameplay changes, the SNES port is worth a look. the game has a settings menu that lets you use the original English text from the PC games with no cuts (slightly revised to accommodate for the fact it's a trilogy like in other revisions), and you can even use the original graphics if the Suemi art or 3D dungeons don't appeal to you.

The pinnacle of mobile game design with a completely unique style. You'd be hard pressed to find anything more entertaining and original on either mobile app store.

KOF with combos does not feel good and the art is really over-rated

Nostalgia culture is akin to a cancerous tumor.

Make games with fixed camera angles cowards.

Quite literally shaped me into the person I am today, a bag of bones who loves big band music and noir stories.

the internet was never a truly free or equitable space and was always being restrained and manipulated by capital forces but we really have traded away something so special for the sake of "streamlined user experience" without even realizing it and I doubt we can ever go back

I'm not convinced by the "color the world with fun~!" snake oil De Blob is selling me!!! You can paint this totally depersonalized metropolitan hellscape with as many garish colors as u want and it will still be a PANOPTIC BIOME OF CORPORATE SUBMISSION AND CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!! De Blob as the neoliberal compromise candidate in contrast 2 Jet Set Radio's radical reclamation of the urban landscape as a communal artspace 4 anticarceral revolt!!!!!!!!!!! more like de COP!!!! go open a frozen yogurt store in a disenfranchised community u slimy gentrifying FREAK!

World of FunkoPop Monoculture HELL

my deep sense of pity could be totally paternal and unwarranted but I really wish I could give a big warm hug to every game artist who hustled for years to get their dream job at Square Enix and then had to expend their life energy cranking out this chibi homunculus nightmare that nobody in the world wanted or played