On release the game was lacking a lot of content. Things which were included in previous games weren't added until later on, but considering I'd never played The Sims 3 this didn't bother me hugely, I found the game to still be enjoyable with what it had. The character creation and building tools are easy to use and pretty indepth if you add extra content through DLC or modding. I can't really rate this game higher than 3 stars though due to the extortionate amount of DLC provided by EA. The DLCs in this game are priced the same as a full game, and add nowhere near the amount of content to be worth it. It would cost over £900 to buy everything this game offers, as of 2023. It's a very good game if you have all that for free, but is ruined by the insane cash-grab tactics.

i cant stop playing this game despite the fact that atleast 2000 of the hours i've spent in it i was not conscious for

Never played the original. This was the first Resident Evil game I've played aside from 7, so was my first introduction to the classic survival horror genre. And it got me hooked. I'm not great with horror games, but this was so fun I managed to push past my fear. Beautiful graphics, story is nothing amazing but it is very fun.

This game has held up really well. The pre-rendered backgrounds look really pretty and fit the games style perfectly. Voice acting is abysmal, but I find it charming as it's hard to take a game with zombie sharks and spiders seriously anyway. There are some parts that are a bit jarring to today's standards, like the tank controls and fixed camera angles, but you adjust to them eventually and the game is fun regardless.

This game is so simple and at it's core has barely changed since it released, yet I always find it fun. Solo or with friends. New content is released often, and while it may be hit or miss whether I'm personally interested in the characters, they always do a good job of keeping parts of the game fresh. Murdering people or trying not to get murdered is great.

Was the first call of duty I played as a kid and I have many great memories playing against my friends or with them on nazi zombies.

good game for lonely people. makes you feel not lonely for like 4 hours.

Found the gameplay way too slow, controls irritating and story uninteresting. There are some positive reviews so may give it another go one day, but I was so bored with my first few hours I haven't wanted to continue since.

I'm not competitive enough to enjoy this competitive shooter.

Fun but also infuriating when someone is better than me.

makes you feel like a god, but look like a muppet

40 hours hiding in a locker, 3 hours running and screaming with my eyes closed. ideal horror game experience

Advertised as "Enhanced and remastered" when it is just a recoloring of the game in monochrome. Is nice stylisticly but not something worth charging for.

Predatory micro-transactions, grindy F2P gameplay loop and a story consisting of repetitive filler dialogue. The overall world is well-built though and characters are amazingly designed, credit to the art team. Gameplay is fun for a while but wears of when the F2P limits become annoying.