
For sure the most fun Ape Escape. Gameplay three games in has definitely solidified. Transformation gimmick offers a lot more player freedom and fun solutions. Graphics and cutscene visuals look better than most games today. Sound is almost a show stealer. Surprisingly good, non intrusive VA's.

Not Good:

Some overly easy bosses. Mildly annoying gameplay segments (the race car ones).



8.5 / 10


My favorite Katamari. Much improved gameplay over the first game. Various levels offer new and interesting experiences. Music is cool and eccentric.

Not Good:

Even with various maps, game reuses them every now and then. Wish every level was unique.


9 / 10


Gameplay is easier with more objects, but as a result way more fun. Better map design. Higher resolution and 60fps was a good decision.

Not Good:

Close to being the least replayable katamari game-- way too few maps.


Mastered the game-feel but needs the variety of We Love.
8 / 10


Crazy video game accomplishment. Beautifully reverent art style coupled with challenging, yet very satisfying boss rush battling. Music is great.


9.5 / 10


This is a largely satisfying iteration of a game I really like. The arcade gameplay has changed some, but the objective and mechanical mix-ups are still appreciated. Music is perfect and definitely rivals the first game's.

Not good:

Due to the design of the wii's analog controllers, imprecision plagues movement and is much less smooth than before. Game often looks nice but has lower framerate and resolution. Contains performance issues. Some amateur sounding VA's. Unskippable cutscenes for some reason.

Polished with a remaster, this game could be closer to a 9 / 10. As much as I personally love this game the verdict is an 7.75 / 10.


Great comeback from the first game. Character control is snappier, lighter, and has never felt so good. Graphics do not age. Notoriously good soundtrack. The open world offers lots to do and is fun to navigate.

Not Good:

Wouldn't mind the addition of an arcade side mode.


Super weirdchamp this game has never been re-released or expanded in another sequel.
9 / 10


Game has undeniably nice graphics and aesthetics. Music adds so much to the experience. When able to be accomplished, chaining grinds feels good.

Not Good:

Movement is fun, but often feels weighty and takes time to gain momentum. Occasionally frustrating levels bar progress.


Thankful a sequel to this game exists. 7.25 / 10


There is no game I have played that plays as fluidly and excellently as Nights does. Mastery of controls and game mechanics create a highly replayable, incredibly gripping and unshakable gameplay loop. Music is perfectly fitting and graphics are fairly impressive for the hardware it was on. Just right length, as well.


Very fun and endearing. Free my jailbird yuji naka 9 / 10


Really charming arcade shooter. Being able to throw objects all over is pleasing and shooting the little edafos is cathartic.

Not Good:

Has impactful performance issues.


Solid game that could lend itself to sequels (will not happen :( ). 8 / 10


Probably one of the most challenging rhythm game I have played. Fun mechanics as well as great sound, graphics, and stand-out character design.

Not Good:

Wish it had a way to save game after each song played, as it takes sometimes 3 or 4 really difficult songs to save progress.


I want mor 8.5 / 10