I love this game and it’s lucky to have such lovable characters because this bad boy is just unfinished no matter how you look at it. AA5 & 6 do not try to finish it.

Despite its flaws (finicky motion controls and linearity namely) this game is amazing. The world building is unique and interesting, the soundtrack is beyond awesome, the designs and art are beautiful, it has great puzzles, fun places to go. I don’t know. I know people hate it but this game has too good of a feeling to hate in my opinion. I sobbed at the end.

It looks beautiful. Kiryu with a baby is probably it’s strongest aspect. The ending is…hm. It’s probably the best route they could have gone with Kiryu’s story so I don’t have gripes with the ending. I guess I just find myself feeling like this game could have been so much more (no Haruka pun intended) than it is. Haruka being reduced to some bitch in a hospital bed is a little annoying to me, after I felt Yakuza 5 was so great in that it gave her agency and the ability to make choices for herself and her happiness. I thought some of the messages were really sweet though. Cute baby. DILF Kiryu. I don’t know. Screwy game. Dumb villain. There nothing else really notable about it. Sure yeah it’s a game whatever.

I’m having a really hard time thinking of something good that this game did. Um. GAHHH. Shit. Uh. Rayfa was cute…? I don’t fucking know. Okay now onto the bad because I love being a hater. Nahyuta was the absolute worst prosecutor (and probably character) in this series. Imperialism (not much to be pondered there it’s literally just imperialism). Um. The cases were fucking god awful and WAY too long. Literally everyone is out of character in the weirdest way possible. Has a terrible feeling. Bad vibes. Weird racist amalgam of like South Asian cultures that makes no sense. OH WAIT one other good thing DILF DHURKE 4 LIFE. Oh wait also the incest joke was so creepy I hate the writers so much. Um terrible pacing. Literally the worst pacing in a game. Just god awful. The worst game in the series. They cringefailed with this one.

I am aware of this games flaws but have we ever considered the fact that guys are funny? That little guys traveling in a car is silly?

It’s fun I guess but where’s the rest?

Pretty bad but it does get points for not being Spirit of Justice I guess. It’s kinda lucky to be adjacent to that piece of shit of a game because otherwise this would be the worst in the series. The cases are just bad. The soundtrack is soulless and uninspired. The characters are unlikable and weird. I feel bad for Athena because it’s not that she’s bad…it’s just that the timing wasn’t right for her. Simon Blackquill was okay I guess. Don’t even get me started on Apollo’s “arc”. Has a dead lesbian in it (bad, poop, shit). It’s just bad. I do not care for this game.

Uhhhhhh. FUCK THIS GAME. Barely any Haruka. The two stars are for funny emo puffy Daigo and hunky splunky ooga boobs Ryuji. Otherwise this is kinda a poop game and the ending just goes off the deep end. WHAT IS KIRYU DOING IM LITERALLY AVERTING MY EYES.

It’s clunky due to its age but it’s such a sweet story. How could you not love it? Kiryu is at his happiest. He’s with his family. Rikiya is the best one-off Yakuza character. Mine is a hilarious Sigma grindset capitalism gayass antagonist. It’s a great game.