Games that are really hard to find by just searching on Backloggd

Comment any game that's hard to find by searching on Backloggd, and please include a link to the game in your comment.

I only found this one by looking through other users' Mario rom hack lists. Practically impossible to find by normal searching.
X: Beyond the Frontier
X: Beyond the Frontier
The X series as a whole is hard to find by just looking up "X", but you can find this one in particular by looking up the subtitle. There are a lot of X games, so I'm not gonna include them all.
From @UnluckyLucky

From @Vee

You can find this by looking up "Tevi" but you've got to pass by practically the entire Resident Evil franchise.
From @ThinkingFella

Despite the giant "e" on the picture, it's actually titled "!"
From @Andres888
This one isn't too bad to find, but there are a number of more well-known games with "Ill" in the title. Notably Silent Hill.


5 months ago
This game, which literally does not have a name that is possible to search for.

5 months ago

@UnluckyLucky Thank you!

5 months ago

You have no idea how many times I searched for 'the on here out of curiosity and never finding it. knowing it's actually on here is pretty cool, great list! :D

5 months ago

@DeemonAndGames I wish it was listed as its other name, Coronation Day, cause that'd be so much easier.

5 months ago

Backloggers will find a game that doesn't even have a name and still not find !!! a job !!!

(e-mail this joke to 3 friends)

5 months ago

same as X, the Ys series

need to search by subtitle

5 months ago

@UnluckyLucky mara just called you out 💀

5 months ago

rip 😭

5 months ago

TEVI is like almost this, but not really. It's just insanely funny since you have to scroll past a ton of Resident Evils.

5 months ago

I'll allow it

5 months ago

definitely all these single letter name games like "D" (probably the easiest to find among these), "N", "Z", "b" etc. firstly because the search-bar only starts suggesting games after you type in two letters and secondly because it will always suggest more popular games containing that letter first.
But my bet would still be on a game simply called "!"

I don't even know how i found it, but i am kinda glad I did because it is the only usable game cover with a big letter "e" on it if i ever wanna type out some other dumb word than the current one in my favourite game roster

5 months ago

This comment was deleted

5 months ago

The URL is super easy, but trying to search for it is NOT

5 months ago

@ThinkingFella Can you link to "b"? I couldn't find it.

As for "D", "Z", "N", and "X" (@thealexmott), you can find them really easily by looking them up imo. You don't even need to load twice, but if there's enough of a push for them, I'll add them.
OD maybe?

5 months ago

@The_Gaming_Dog12 The Kojima game? It'll surely be easier to find as it approaches release/actually comes out.

5 months ago

completely impossible to find the game D

5 months ago

@Slarvath It's the thirteenth game that shows up when I only look up "D" I don't think it really applies.

5 months ago


even on steam was kinda hard to find some years ago, what I did to mark it as completed and write a review was to find a game made by the developer to be able to view the rest of games where ISLAND was one of them

5 months ago

It's easier to get the link through google than through the search engine in backloggd lol

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