PEAK FUCKING GAMING HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!! Undertale is my favorite game as you can see by my profile, and this game is basically re experiencing the feeling of playing Undertale for the first time and I couldn't stop smiling the whole way through :')) I'm happy how original it also is compared to a lot of Undertale fan games, instead of just re making some dialogue and story progression Undertale Yellow takes you on a completely new adventure with new locations, a new cast and lore to sink your teeth into... this sort of story telling really helps it blend into Undertale as a possible prequel, since if you take a genocidal route for example the only characters you can harm are new ones that don't show up in Undertale canonically. This is gonna be an annoying lore ramble for a bit, but they basically just made the game basically be able to be canon in the universe, which I enjoy quite a bit (and also will be headcanonning as canon personally from now on TRY and change my mind bitch)

EASILY the best Undertale fan game I've played, and honestly probably the best game I've played in December all together. It's free on game jolt please if you're even slightly interested go download it and show the developers some love <3

OOOH BBBABY!!!!! Literally peak gaming. Gaming at its ABSOLUTE FINEST. You cannot convince me otherwise. When I found out a sequel existed after completing the first game as a little child, I went absolutely bananas. We also had this game already, as my brother seemingly played it before and I was absolutely flabbergasted when I along with the same family friend of mine started playing this just a few months after finishing LBP 1. This game is a huge step up from the first one. The story, the characters, the world, the setting, the outfits, the building materials, EVERYTHING is 100% more polished and better. This is the best experience I've EVER had with a video game, and I cannot express how much this game has done for me. I met some of my first online friends on this game, and even if sometimes they were a bit weird, I will never forget the memories made in Angry Birds Bomb Survival.

I also spent over a 100€ on cosmetics on this stupid fucking game

Literally the first proper game I ever played with a family friend. It was somewhere near Christmas around 2014 and were bored while our families were spending time together in the living room. But our stupid asses decided no, we are gonna bust out the dusty PlayStation 3 and check if it had something interesting, my brother and her brother always played on it, so it had to have something good right? And that is how my deep-dark path into gaming started, as I immediately became obsessed with this game and its story.

This fucking game is to blame for me being such a fucking loser and I love it. Looking back on LBP 1 though and comparing it to the other two games, I do realize I can't give this a full 5 stars. Still, an extremely goated game, and I don't think I will ever re-experience the feeling of this game. Jokes aside it's a wonderful, little big planet in general that makes me feel happy and warm inside.

(Log dates are not accurate at all, since I literally can't remember the exact date we started playing this, only that it was somewhere around 2014 to early 2015)

I never fully finished this game yet, but I absolutely love it. The slow progress really makes every small piece you do, make or travel rewarding. I get not everyone likes slow game play, but for me, I really just enjoy walking around as this little guy and reading books. This game made me actually read moby dick, which I would never do otherwise, and honestly it was quite the experience. I don't know, my brain is a bit stupid so even the minor tasks in a game make me want to do them, maybe that's the completionist in me talking.
Artstyle-wise, I really love this game as well. The scruffy lines and muted colors really fit the game. The quietness of the halls really calms me down in a weird way. I really need to replay this game...

In a nutshell; comforting loneliness

Makes me unfathomably angry because of the rng and made me almost commit manslaughter about 603 times

Thank you pot my dearest for gifting me the animal role-playing game. Fixed my depression.


Sweetheart kicked my ass hard while pot and mat chatted in the background on a discord call not paying attention to my suffering

Okay, I get the bad rep of this game... BUT Since I didn't get this game right when it came out, I kinda missed the game-breaking bugs and glitches that ruined the experience for most people, so to me this game is still peak. I don't really like the fact of how they added more characters to play as, but the gameplay aspects they brought to the game were really fun and the platforming especially in this game was great.
The story isn't as iconic as the second game was, but I still really like it. The characters were charming and once again textures, materials, environment, and cosmetics were greatly upgraded.

Also: this game has Newton so 10/10 best game

This game changed my brain chemistry. There is a reason I was obsessed with this as a little 10-year-old. I first experienced Undertale through let's plays on youtube, since back then I was too bad at English to play the game myself so the best option was to watch a Finnish let's play where the guy dubbed almost every line into Finnish. (MK GAMER MY SAVIOUR)
A lot of things went over my head when I was younger and first started to love this game. Still even back then I was absolutely invested in the characters and lore of the game, to the point of making my own oc and diving DEEP into fan content including comic fan animations and more.

Recently, I've become obsessed with Undertale once again. I replayed the game and watched multiple gameplays and theory videos, and I'm not afraid to admit the game made me actually cry. Understanding the full context and deeper meanings of some scenes, ESPECIALLY the pacifist ending and Flowey's backstory broke me in the best way possible. Still, some of the songs in the OST make me almost tear up since they're just so powerful and I don't care how much of a loser that makes me sound. This game changed me in a big way and It's honestly one of the best games ever for me.

Papyrus is superior to Sans sorry I'm just telling the facts

(Still playing)
Very satisfying rhythm gameplay. Easy to understand and a lot of song variety with classics like ghost rule, melt, Donut hole ect but also constantly getting new commissioned songs added. Gacha kinda sucks ass, but you really don't need to do any of it to play the game, since you can play without having energy unlike other mobile rhythm games.
The stories are pretty fun and I really like the characters too.
More more jump supremacy forever Minori my girlfailure

This game review is sponsored by king slowdown vrchat

I went into Ori completely blind, I had heard people around me say it's a good game, but I knew nothing about it. I wasn't planning on getting it any time soon, and if king didn't surprise gift it to me I probably would have never given it the time of day. I'm really glad I decided to play the game since I really really enjoyed the hell out of this. I love puzzle games and the movement of the game was just so fun. Also, the game is GORGEOUS!!! pure eye candy honestly.
I can't wait to play will of the wisps!!!

Still playing, not that far into the game.
I bought hollow knight back in like 2019, but quickly realized my computer was too shit to run it. Only recently got to play it and I gotta say, the gameplay is really fun.
Yes, I am getting my ass absolutely DEMOLISHED by these little bug fuckers, but so far I've felt that every boss was doable, nothing felt impossible which really kept me going.

So far, really enjoying the game. Maybe I should start paying attention to the lore more, So far it kinda has just flown over my head

This review contains spoilers

CHAPTER 2 BABYYYY!!! Once again, my world absolutely collapsed when this was released and I stopped everything to play this basically the second it was released. Chapter 2 introduced more characters and made me fall in love with them. This chapter felt much more polished than chapter 1, along with just being funnier in general. What really sells me on Chapter 2 though, is the Snowgrave route.
Snowgrave is one of the best experiences I've had with Toby fox's games. It absolutely shook me to my core the tone switch and made me feel so horrible in the best way possible. Since the normal route and chapter 1 were very light-hearted, the sudden switch was so hard-hitting. I'm sad tough that I did have to look at a guide to complete the route since It was so easy to mess up and I think that ruined some of the experience. Still, A step up from chapter 1 for me, and made me even more hype for future chapters.


(DDLC+ & Original)
Had an absolute blast voice-acting this with my friends, it was very silly

this game is SO FUCKING HARD my eyes cannot focus on anything (im so bad)
Playing megamix on the switch controls was also extremely hard, but its still fun to play the songs i really like. what ISN'T fun is the lowered graphics and 600 DLC CONTENT PLEASE

still had fun, only ever passed a few EX EX levels