awesome game smile. there are a few extraneous circumstances that really improve this game's standing in my mind. 1, that 3d platformers are so rare that any new one is a treat. 2, it was made in a week(ish). i'm the worlds biggest objectivity hater so i think that those two things improving my opinion on this game is ok and i think the four stars are well earned. also this game turned me into a girl (i know, join the club).

you gotta be a real fuckin dumbass to beat this game.

one of my favorite games i've ever played. i'd love to play as many games like this as possible.

i’m a massive fan of classic castlevania, especially the first and third games. finding another game in this style that’s this good has immensely improved my wednesday morning.

there's fun to be had. but when people who have not played sonic games explain how they're bad, they're describing sonic advance 2.

if god is good, i will never collect a choas emerald in any sonic advance game

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Nonstop barrage of thrilling, purely player driven moments that all tie in to the best story told in a game since a certain Japan exclusive GBA game from 2006.

It’s literature. It’s worthy of discussion and reverence just as much as Twin Peaks (which I love, too).

What really solidified this game’s status in my mind was remembering the scene late in which Alan speaks with his future self. Maybe that’ll be explained in the DLC, but the fact that such a major mystery was left for me to wonder about put this game over the top.

Sam Lake and Remedy just get better every game. I’m going to the midnight release for anything they put out from now on. What a special, special game.

Undoubtedly free. But this game has the sauce. I’m excited for Silent Hill forte.

I’ve finished this game around a dozen times, unless it doesn’t count unless you do A+B back to back, which I might.
Remakes come on a spectrum, from extremely faithful (Bluepoint) to almost completely new (RE3). I’m a Bluepoint apologist, but I think REmake is the best proof that a faithful remake can be great. RE2 Remake is the best proof that the other end of the spectrum can be great, too.

An amazing, challenging gem. Try to make sure the TV is lagless.

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A large part of maturing, (I think, I wouldn’t know, really) is acceptance. Accepting who you are, what you can’t or can change about yourself, maybe even accepting that you can’t accept anything is the best path for someone. The ending I got in this DLC was extremely tough to play through, because V could not accept she would never be the fully-fledged legend she set out to be, both for herself and for many others. No choices I made in dialogue could make the circumstances seem OK to V, and (although I think this definitely V’s story and not mine) that made sure it wasn’t OK for me either. I would go so far as to say the ending in which V gets to live free from the impending (or not) death that the other endings provide is by far the worst, the most thematically dissonant. I feel like a little bitch. And it’s all on me.

four mfs screaming at top volume in a discord call, some of my fondest memories

this game is like derek jeter. ppl have called it overrated so long that now it’s underrated.

a new game that i can replay over and over again. my biggest wish is for a timer to be included after you beat the last boss (maybe there is one im a bit of a dumbf*uck).
there’s definitely an audience for mapless metroidvanias and im part of it. i love metroid 2 on game boy for example. i think if i’d spent a quarter of my playthrough looking at a map instead of gliding thru the levels it would have made the game a little worse to me. of course, i could just choose not to look at it, though.
i loved the upgrades you got, and i couldn’t even guess what the “intended” order of item acquisition would be, i feel like there’s billions of possible routes to take. the optional side upgrades were also all very impactful and a blast to reach. i liked that many were clearly visible but hard to reach, i think that played to the games strengths well.
one thing i didn’t like is the relatively few context sensitive actions. i wish that either pulling up from a ledge or air kicking were on a different button. i also think tying the projectile to the charged attack was a little misguided, especially since the projectile used up some charge. i think every button was used on something more important than a ranged attack though, so maybe i’d just like the option to turn the projectile off so i can use the charged attack in combat. again, maybe you already could turn it off, though, i never tried. these are very minor complaints.
overall, a new favorite of mine.